194 posts tagged with trek by Halloween Jack.
Displaying 51 through 100 of 194.

Star Trek: Voyager: Homestead  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 23

AKA "Vulcans Don't Dance" [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jul 30, 2018 - 24 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Author, Author  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 20

The Doctor writes a roman à clef holonovel about being a hologram doctor aboard a starship stranded thousands of light years from home. What could possibly go wrong? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jul 19, 2018 - 14 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Q2  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 19

Facing his son's banishment from the Q Continuum, Q leaves him on Voyager in the hopes that he will gain self-discipline. Yeah, good luck with that, Aunt Kathy. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jul 16, 2018 - 6 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Workforce, Parts I and II  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 16

[two-part episode] Most of the crew of Voyager is kidnapped and brainwashed into joining the labor force of an alien planet, where they are repeatedly re-indoctrinated into forgetting their previous lives. But, hey, the benefits are great. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jul 9, 2018 - 9 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Prophecy  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 14

Voyager becomes a battleground for the descendants of a group of Klingon zealots, some of whom believe that B'Elanna Torres's child is their savior. Kept waiting for three of them to show up with gold, frankincense, and gagh. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jul 2, 2018 - 17 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Lineage  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 12

Torres discovers that she is pregnant, and faces a private fear that she has had to deal with since her childhood. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jun 25, 2018 - 3 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Flesh and Blood  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 9

[Feature-length episode] Voyager answers a distress call from a Hirogen outpost – only to find carnage caused by holographic technology that Captain Janeway has given them. Who will be first up against the wall in the holorevolution? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jun 18, 2018 - 7 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Body and Soul  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 7

When the Delta Flyer II is attacked, The Doctor must hide his program in Seven's Borg implants. Meanwhile, Tuvok undergoes the pon farr. Can the away team escape the Vortex of Unsatisfied Crushes? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jun 11, 2018 - 18 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Critical Care  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 5

The Doctor's program is taken from Voyager, and he is put to work on a vast hospital ship, where the twisted medical system is based on social status, rather than medical condition. (Please note: this is not a time travel episode.) [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jun 4, 2018 - 13 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Drive  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 3

Tom Paris enters the new Delta Flyer in an interstellar starship race. When B'Elanna becomes his copilot, will they drive... each other crazy? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on May 28, 2018 - 8 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Unimatrix Zero, Part II  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 1

[Season premiere; part 2 of 2] Assimilated by the Borg, Janeway, Torres, and Tuvok plot to release a virus into the Borg Collective which will allow members of Unimatrix Zero to retain their individuality in the real world and resist the Borg Queen. Is resistance futile? Thus begins the last season... [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on May 21, 2018 - 21 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: The Haunting of Deck Twelve  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 25

While the USS Voyager is without power for several hours, Neelix tells the children a ghost story of the events that lead up to it… or is it more than just a story? This is really going to be scary... I'm not kidding you this time! [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on May 14, 2018 - 10 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Fury  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 23

Kes returns, seeking revenge on both Voyager and Janeway. (Because that is totally a thing that Kes would do, right?) [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on May 7, 2018 - 5 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Live Fast and Prosper  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 21

A trio of con artists impersonate Captain Janeway, Tuvok, and Chakotay to try to scam money and resources out of unsuspecting victims. But the crew has a sting of their own, if only they can keep their eye on the tera nut... [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Apr 30, 2018 - 21 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Child's Play  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 19

Icheb's return to his home planet after his abduction by the Borg is difficult for Seven to bear when her awakening parental instincts make her suspicious of his parents. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Apr 23, 2018 - 5 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Spirit Folk  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 17

The characters in the Fair Haven holoprogram begin to suspect the Voyager crew after they witness several "supernatural" occurrences. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Apr 16, 2018 - 15 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Tsunkatse  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 15

"When America's smackdown hero takes on Voyager's battlestar babe, worlds will collide!" Are you not entertained? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Apr 9, 2018 - 4 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Virtuoso  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 13

Solo amore/ Quando fuggeva lontano/ Speri invano ma non torni più./ Speri invano ma non torna più. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Apr 2, 2018 - 6 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Fair Haven  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 11

[stuck between Trekkifying an old Irish joke and filking "Fairytale of New York"] OK, the crew goes to a stereotypical Irish village on the holodeck, and it starts raining, and there's this guy who's just standing out in the rain, and Tuvok goes, "Illogical." The pub owner says, "Don't mind him, he's Paddy O'Furniture." OK, so I went with the joke, sue me. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Mar 26, 2018 - 17 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: The Voyager Conspiracy  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 9

Tricobalt explosives can't destroy tetryon reactors--CARETAKER WAS AN INSIDE JOB [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Mar 19, 2018 - 8 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Dragon's Teeth  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 7

Voyager has one of its strangest encounters yet when it comes across a human serviette wearing a tam o' shanter--wait [peers at index card] sorry, I thought that it said "Nardwuar"--why the heck am I still using index cards in the twenty-first century, anyway? We're getting warp drive in a few decades! [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Mar 12, 2018 - 7 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Alice  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 5

We all float down here, Harry!--uh, wait [shuffles index cards] all work and no play makes Kathryn a dull girl--no, that's not right [shuffles them some more] the man in black fled across the quadrant, and the starship followed--damnit [starts looking through them one by one] ah, here we go... [looks up] do we have a "Larry Gene Blanton" here? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Mar 5, 2018 - 6 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Barge of the Dead  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 3

"What's the hold-up, First Mate?" "Well, captain, we seem to have run aground on... a giant clot." "What the--" "Well, it is a river of blood, sir." [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Feb 26, 2018 - 12 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Equinox, Part II  Rewatch   Season 6, Ep 1

(Part 2 of 2; discussion of Part 1 is here.) So you think you are strong because you can survive the soft cushions. Well, we shall see. Chakotay! Put him in the Comfy Chair! [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Feb 19, 2018 - 21 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Warhead  Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 25

"What is my purpose in life?" "To blow up real good." "B-but I wanted to do so much more than that! I want to travel, a-and take some online classes, and--" "But what about the earth-shattering kaboom?" "Oh, OK, then." [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Feb 12, 2018 - 19 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: 11:59  Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 23

Let us go back to the waning days and hours of the twentieth century, when controversy surrounded the construction of the Millennium Gate, a monumental, kilometer-tall building that towered over rural Indiana and--wait, what? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Feb 5, 2018 - 41 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Juggernaut   Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 21

"Somebody set up us the bomb." "All your waste are belong to us. You have no chance to survive make your time..." [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jan 29, 2018 - 13 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: The Fight  Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 19

It's the eye of Chakotay/ It's the thrill of the fight/ Rising up to the chaos of our rival/ And the neuroatypical/ Maquis Mauler guy/ Will get us through this mess with the eye... of Chakotay! [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jan 22, 2018 - 15 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: The Disease  Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 17

Never know how much I love you, never know how much I care/ When you put your arms around me, I get a fever that's so hard to bear/ You give me fever - when you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight/ Fever - from an alien virus, fever through the cosmic night. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jan 15, 2018 - 10 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Bliss  Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 14

"From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake--" [turns over index cards, frowns] "--wait, this one is marked 'TWOK" and this other one says 'First Contact'--how many times have these been used?" [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jan 8, 2018 - 17 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Bride of Chaotica!  Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 12

The Adventures of Captain Proton, Chapter 18: "Bride of Chaotica" The evil Dr. Chaotica kidnaps Constance Goodheart and plans to sacrifice her to Arachnia, Queen of the Spider People. Captain Proton travels millions of miles to Planet X, where he will invade the Fortress of Doom. Chaotica fires his fiendish death ray--certain death for Proton, as his rocket ship bursts into flames. "We didn't burst into flames in the last chapter. Why are these recaps always so inaccurate?" [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Jan 1, 2018 - 9 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Counterpoint  Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 10

Thoughtcrime doubleplusungood! [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Dec 24, 2017 - 6 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Nothing Human  Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 8

And what did you do during the war, Doctor's new holo-colleague? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Dec 18, 2017 - 33 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Timeless  Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 6

Things that I would tell the younger me: 1) Winning lottery numbers; 2) [redacted]; 3) If you never ask her out, you'll always wonder; 4) Don't crash the starship. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Dec 11, 2017 - 21 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: In the Flesh  Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 4

So ya/ Thought ya/ Might like to catch up on the show/ To feel the warm thrill of confusion/ That Academy cadet glow/ Tell me is something eluding you, Starfleet?/ Is Boothby not what you expected to see?/ If you want to find out what's behind these odd eyes/ You'll just have to scan your way through this disguise! [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Dec 4, 2017 - 16 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Drone  Rewatch   Season 5, Ep 2

Hey! You got Borg nanoprobes in my 29th-century tech! You got 29th-century tech in my Borg nanoprobes! Hmmm... two great techs that tech great together! [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Nov 27, 2017 - 19 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Hope and Fear  Rewatch   Season 4, Ep 26

@janewayornoway hey looks like were going home early SF sent us a new ship looks sharp and is hella fast im sure it isnt some sort of trick #loljk #AsIf #WasntBornYesterday #LucyCharlieBrownAndTheFootball [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Nov 20, 2017 - 8 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Demon  Rewatch   Season 4, Ep 24

Voyager is about to run out of gas, and locates a planet with a fuel supply, but it's an incredibly hostile environment. However, Harry Kim has a plan that may get them the deuterium that they need. Will his plan succeed, and if so, will he finally get that long-overdue promotion? (Ha! As if. But, seriously though.) [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Nov 13, 2017 - 9 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Unforgettable  Rewatch   Season 4, Ep 22

Unforgettable/That's what you are/Unforgettable/Uh... wish on a star?/Da da da da da/That's inedible/Something something something unforgettable/Thinks that I am unforgettable too! [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Nov 6, 2017 - 12 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Vis à Vis  Rewatch   Season 4, Ep 20

Sometimes a guy just wants to kick back and work on his imaginary bitchin' Camaro without being hassled, but Tom Paris is about to have a freaky Friday... [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Oct 30, 2017 - 11 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Retrospect  Rewatch   Season 4, Ep 17

This week on Star Trek: Afterschool Special: false memory syndrome--threat or menace? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Oct 23, 2017 - 15 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Hunters  Rewatch   Season 4, Ep 15

It’s mail call at the 4077thon Voyager, and RadarNeelix is the most popular man in campon the ship, fighting off hordes of personnel looking for their letters from home... [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Oct 16, 2017 - 12 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Waking Moments  Rewatch   Season 4, Ep 13

In dreams, I walk with you/In dreams, I talk to you--wait, have we met before? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Oct 9, 2017 - 9 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Concerning Flight  Rewatch   Season 4, Ep 11

Well, you don't know what we can find/Why don't you come with me Janeway/On an ornithopter ride/You don't know what we can see/Why don't you 'splain your tech to me/Holoemitter will set us free [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Oct 2, 2017 - 6 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Year of Hell, Part II  Rewatch   Season 4, Ep 9

Goodbye my love/Maybe for forever/Goodbye my love/The tide waits for me/Who knows when we shall meet again/If ever/But time/Keeps flowing like a river (on and on)/To the sea/To the sea/Till it's gone forever/Gone forever/Gone forevermore [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Sep 25, 2017 - 19 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Scientific Method  Rewatch   Season 4, Ep 7

I always feel like somebody's watching me/And I have no privacy/ Whoa, I always feel like somebody's watching me/Who's playing tricks on me? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Sep 18, 2017 - 11 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Revulsion  Rewatch   Season 4, Ep 5

"Yes, thinking meat! Conscious meat! Loving meat. Dreaming meat. The meat is the whole deal! Are you beginning to get the picture or do I have to start all over?" (per Terry Bisson) [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Sep 11, 2017 - 12 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Day of Honor  Rewatch   Season 4, Ep 3

First, you must eat from the heart of a sanctified targ. Next, you will drink mot'loch from the Grail of Kahless. Then, we wlll sing of your glory earned during the annual cookie sale--oh, crap [drops index cards, grabs phone] Honey? It's me, are you with the Girl Scout troop? Hey, I think we got our index cards mixed up--honey, what's that noise? Are they--oh, no. Honey? Hello? Hello? [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Sep 4, 2017 - 23 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Scorpion, Part II  Rewatch   Season 4, Ep 1

"I speak for the Borg." -- Seven of Nine, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero One. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Aug 28, 2017 - 11 comments

Star Trek: Voyager: Worst Case Scenario  Rewatch   Season 3, Ep 25

Even with the improvements in the current version of the game, sometimes it's fun to fire up Voyager 1.0 and give it a whirl, just for a little nostalgia for when things were new and rough around the edges... just watch out for that one end boss that was surprisingly tough to beat. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Aug 21, 2017 - 13 comments

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