4 posts tagged with ufos.
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Book: The Mothman Prophecies
Welcome to the High Strangeness Bookclub! For our first book, we're discussing John Keel's classic The Mothman Prophecies. [more inside]
Book Club Proposal - High Strangeness
Anyone interested in reading books about cryptids, UFOs, hyper-dimensional science, psychic powers, and other weird fringe topics? [more inside]
Mystery Science Theater 3000: TEENAGERS FROM OUTER SPACE Season 4, Ep 4
"Teenage Hoodlums from Another World on a Horrendous Ray-Gun Rampage!" "Before...A Beautiful Girl. One Moment Later...A Skeleton!" Despite the ad lines, the titular teenagers number only two, and one of them is the milquetoast "Derek." Their mission: to prepare Earth for the coming of their lifestock, which naturally take the form of gigantic lobsters. It's a good episode! This is the movie that gives us the infamous "TORCHAA!!" catchphrase, beloved of MSTies everywhere. It's also Mary Jo Pehl's first episode writing! YouTube (1h33m) Premiered June 27, 1992. [more inside]
Podcast: the memory palace: Episode 67: Every Night Ever
“It was the same night, over and over…” A true story of the time it wasn't, from Lithium Springs, Georgia in 1953. [more inside]