22 July (2018)
October 14, 2018 2:54 PM - Subscribe

This is a 2018 American thriller film about the 2011 Norway attacks and its aftermath. 22 July was the date of the events, where lone wolf terrorist Anders Behring Breivik killed 77. Directed by Paul Greengrass. It features a Norwegian cast (that unfortunately speaks English in a quasi-Scandinavian accent).
posted by growabrain (2 comments total)
Why in the hell is it in English? It reminds me of the completely awful "Snowman", almost entirely casted with English actors who retain their accents. They even did a ridiculous dub over one of the few Scandanavian actors.
posted by Brocktoon at 12:54 PM on October 18, 2018

There's also a Norwegian film on the same topic: Utøya 22, juli directed by Erik Poppe. Haven't seen neither of the movies myself yet, but upon reading the reviews it seems that Greengrass's and Poppe's are quite different, the latter employing the single long-take technique. Just have to gather some strength before watching young people getting slaughtered.

And here's an interview with Greengrass in which he speaks of what he tried to accomplish with the film.
posted by sapagan at 12:07 AM on October 19, 2018

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