Lessons in Chemistry: Her and Him   Show Only 
October 13, 2023 10:18 AM - Season 1, Episode 2 - Subscribe

In pursuit of a prestigious grant, Elizabeth and Calvin join forces in the lab. Their partnership yields unexpected results.
posted by ellieBOA (7 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
And then this one starts out with an attempted rape. Now we know why Elizabeth didn't get her PhD.
"You're a very lucky girl. Dr. Bates has declined to file an aggravated assault charge against you."
"They want ME to apologize?!"
"This is an elegant solution that works for everyone. Unless you'd prefer to discontinue your PhD candidacy."
"You stabbed a tenured professor with a pencil."

"I REGRET NOT HAVING MORE PENCILS." Cut to the pencils in the credits!!!!

Wait, running a pageant is more important?


"I'm out of ideas. And then I met you...." AWWWW.

"What's his name?"
"Excellent name. After carbon and zinc, I assume?"
"No, that's the time he wakes me up in the morning."

Working through Christmas: "I think this is the first time I haven't hated Christmas."

"This is how you dance." (Cal dances like god only knows what.)

"Extremely disorienting for Six Thirty."

I am disappointed in Cal for forgetting that meeting.

"We here at Hastings believe that DNA will come to a dead end." I hate Hastings even more. I hope this company goes under, sinks like a stone and dies. What idiots.

"You are what I treasure most in this world." AWWWWWWWWW. When atoms collide!

OH SHIT HE JUST GOT HIT BY A BUS. You know, I had presumed Cal dies from the vague hints I've read about the show, but ...literally, hit by a bus. Da fuck.

Well, the show sold me and I'm sad now.
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:42 PM on October 13, 2023

Well, the show sold me and I'm sad now.

Same! It got me with science and 50s/60s period dramas.
posted by ellieBOA at 6:35 AM on October 14, 2023

Mod note: Changed to Show Only, per request.
posted by Brandon Blatcher (staff) at 11:46 AM on October 14, 2023

Thanks Brandon!

Lessons in Chemistry Recap: The Surprise Factor [Vulture / Archive]
posted by ellieBOA at 11:48 AM on October 14, 2023

I see why they released the first two episodes together, they were like a prickly scientist version of the start of Up!
posted by ellieBOA at 2:27 AM on October 15, 2023 [3 favorites]

I read the book and liked it a lot, and I'm liking this too!
posted by BlahLaLa at 5:33 PM on October 20, 2023

"I REGRET NOT HAVING MORE PENCILS." Cut to the pencils in the credits!!!!
I *love* the credits for this show - and a big shout out to Mildred Bailey - Wham Re-Bop-Boom-Bam! that accompanies it!
(TuneList also has a record of all other tracks used in the show)
posted by rongorongo at 9:38 PM on March 4, 2024

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