Special Event: The Mads Are Back: THE CREEPING TERROR
August 1, 2024 4:32 AM - Subscribe

MST Club presents! While one of the absolute worst movies ever to be featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000, The Creeping Terror isn't nearly as well known as Manos "Everyone Loves Torgo" the Hands of Fate, or Monster "Couldn't Think of An Ending" A Go-Go, or any of the Coleman Francis trilogy. This is a shame though, as The Creeping Terror features absolutely the most ludicrous headline monster of any MST'd movie, essentially a carpet with vacuum cleaner hoses attached to it, that eats victims by apparent dint of them actively crawling into its mouth. MST3K tackled the Terror while both Frank Conniff and Trace Beaulieu were still at Best Brains, so this is a second trip through this film for both of them. Riffed December 12, 2023, and available either standalone (for about $12) or part of a collection of nine other MST-featured items (70 bucks).
posted by JHarris (1 comment total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
MST Club happens Thursday nights, when we show riffthings and other items at https://cytu.be/r/metafilter_mst3kclub! You're welcome to come on by!
posted by JHarris at 3:42 PM on August 1

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