Cobra Kai: Part II of the Final Season
November 16, 2024 1:08 PM - Season 6, Episode 6 - Subscribe

The Miyagi Do students travel to Barcelona for the Sekai Taikei.
posted by box (4 comments total)
"Myagi do! ... Hell yeah! ... Yeah, more of that."
posted by porpoise at 12:08 AM on November 17, 2024

So did Barcelona/Spain tourism bureau pay for some of this season because the show really, really wanted to make it clear that they were filming in Barcelona. This isn't a criticism, and they probably did a week's worth of actual filming, running from one recognizable spot to another, but I don't remember the last time I watched a show that had a check list of sites to show in a montage.

In expected Netflix fashion, I binged the show pretty quickly, so hopefully I don't forget too much from the information download. Immediate thoughts:

- Got a good serving of Cobra Kai, which as we know, is essentially a high school/adult soap opera. If something insane doesn't happen, then start the next episode. I wish we had the final episodes all ready.

- I wish Danny and Johnny could really, really, get along. It always feels redundant when they butt heads, but I will say I did appreciate as both of them somewhat recognized how childish their behavior was and reconciled. Maybe this is the longest amount of time they didn't actually come to blows?

- The whole mystery surrounding Mr. Miyagi is a weird one. We already know that it's not going to paint Mr. Miyagi as some terrible person and reaffirm Daniel's faith in his it seems superfluous. My only guess is that somehow that reaffirmation will come just at the right time to help Daniel help out his students. I'll be honest, I wasn't a super fan of the Pat Morita digital resurrection. Now that they did it in this circumstance, I'm feeling like we're going to get a conversation or something with Pat Morita's zombie face.

- Terry Silver's return...absurd, but on point.

- The towel guy at Kumiko's was also a weird twist. Did the writers just want Chozen to hook up with Kim...or was Tamlyn Tomita not just available? I mean, Chozen and Kim were a nice surprise pairing but as Chozen said, "KUMIKO!!"

- With all due respect to actor William Zabkra, it pushed the boundaries of believability to have his Johnny face off and not immediately get waylaid by Lewis Tan's Wolf. It was fun to see Tan, even if he was playing a jerk.

- The Robbie / Tory drama, annoying at times, but you know, honest. High schoolers are all about the emotional overflow and drama. Axel being jealous of Miguel felt kind of manufactured, but the guy was being routinely traumatized and Sam is right there offering him some humanity and sympathy.

-Chekhov's Kreese's dagger. Enough said.

One thing that's always bothered me is the lack of sparring equipment. Are there seriously under 18 year old tournaments where competitors are allowed to fight without gloves, helmets, etc?

-Kenny redemption - as in, they let Kenny kick butt for good instead of bad. I'm not quite sure how Kenny competed as he was supposed to be going to fill Miguel's role, but then Miguel didn't leave, and I know there was some real quick throwaway line, but I'm too lazy to go back and re-listen. The Demetri and Hawk trust issues were finally resolved, FINALLY, and then redirected toward Kenny. Argh. I did laugh every time they played a hawk scream when Hawk was fighting.

-Boo to the pregnancy drama. And who's paying for these flights? They racked up probably $8k in tickets going back and forth that quickly.

Overall, I got what I asked for. I can't complain. If they somehow can conjure Hilary Swank into the finale, I'll be overwhelmed by the nostalgia.
posted by Atreides at 12:12 PM on November 18, 2024 [1 favorite]

I agree with all of that, but I'm just chiming in because I wanted to say this interaction -

"WE finally beat Kreese!"
"Oh well actually I beat him in my very first tournament"

*Chefs Kiss*
posted by TwoWordReview at 4:36 PM on December 6, 2024 [2 favorites]

THAT'S when you cut the feed? />
posted by absalom at 7:43 PM on December 15 [2 favorites]

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