9 posts tagged with breen and startrek.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Life, Itself  Season 5, Ep 10

[SERIES FINALE] Burnham tries to figure out the Progenitor's tech while Rayner and Discovery deal with the Breen. [more inside]
posted by hanov3r on May 30, 2024 - 32 comments

Star Trek: Discovery: Lagrange Point  Season 5, Ep 9

Burnham's Eleven Four plan a heist to retrieve what the Breen have taken. [more inside]
posted by hanov3r on May 23, 2024 - 20 comments

Star Trek: Discovery: Erigah  Season 5, Ep 7

The Federation captures Moll and a badly wounded L'ak, but the Breen come to claim their own. [more inside]
posted by hanov3r on May 9, 2024 - 15 comments

Star Trek: Discovery: Mirrors  Season 5, Ep 5

An unusual wormhole leads to the next puzzle piece, stored on a relic of another place and another time. [more inside]
posted by hanov3r on Apr 25, 2024 - 25 comments

Star Trek: Lower Decks: Trusted Sources  Season 3, Ep 9

Big new initiative for the California class, a reporter shows up to embed on their away mission, and Mariner tracks what seems to be about twenty gallons of blueberry pie filling throughout the ship. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Oct 20, 2022 - 23 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Changing Face of Evil  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 20

(Series Finale - Part 4 of 9) The tide of the war turns against the Federation Alliance after a Breen attack on San Francisco and the loss of a strategically important system in Dominion space. Likewise, the Bajor Power Couple experiences a profound—and, naturally, bloody—shift in their relationship. [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Dec 8, 2016 - 16 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Strange Bedfellows  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 19

(Series Finale - Part 3 of 9) Unfortunately, despite the title, not a bedroom farce (with the deliberate exception of The Power Couple Who Shall Not Be Named), but still plenty to chew on: Martok reveals to Sisko that the real war has just begun, a prisoner is a pain in the neck for Weyoun, Quark pours one out for a homie, Damar considers the man in the mirror (prior to asking him to change his ways), Winn does a heel/even-worse-heel turn, and Worf and Ezri? They're just hangin' out. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Dec 5, 2016 - 12 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 'Til Death Do Us Part  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 18

(Series Finale - Part 2 of 9) Sisko knowingly defies the Prophets, but for a good reason. Kai Winn unknowingly defies the Prophets, but for a HORRIBLE ICKY GROSS REASON EW EW EW. [more inside]
posted by CheesesOfBrazil on Dec 1, 2016 - 9 comments

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Penumbra  Rewatch   Season 7, Ep 17

(Series Finale - Part 1 of 9) Sisko puts a ring on it, Worf gets a chance to practice his singing, Dax takes a trip down Memory Lane, the Founder gives Weyoun a piece of her mind, a familiar face gets a different look, a new player enters the game, and Kasidy Yates' future mother-in-law has some bad news. It's the beginning of the end. [more inside]
posted by Halloween Jack on Nov 28, 2016 - 12 comments

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