9 posts tagged with garibaldi and londo.
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Babylon 5: Epiphanies Season 4, Ep 7
Garibaldi has issues adjusting to life on B5. Bester makes his annual pilgrimage to make an offer to B5 high command... "Why, the Emperor himself said I would only be allowed to leave over his dead body. I thought, 'Well, how strange. Mr. Allan said I would only be allowed back onto Babylon 5 over his dead body.' With my busy schedule I'm afraid I can only accommodate so many requests. I'm sorry, Mr. Allan, but I'm afraid you'll simply have to wait your turn!" [more inside]
Babylon 5: Ceremonies of Light and Dark Season 3, Ep 11
Given the massive changes on B5, Delenn attempts to repeat the ceremony seen in "The Parliament of Dreams" to help people transition. Garibaldi attempts to purge B5 of hidden Nightwatch agents. Londo moves against Refa, taking inspiration from the Old Empire. "From the stars we came... To the stars we return, from now until the end of time. We therefore commit these bodies to the deep." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Point of No Return Rewatch Season 3, Ep 9
[all-spoilers!] [titular episode of season] Everything goes to hell. "You have a chance few others will ever have, Mollari. You still have three opportunities to avoid the fire that waits for you at the end of your journey. You have already wasted two others. You must save the eye that does not see. You must not kill the one who is already dead. And at the last, you must surrender yourself to your greatest fear, knowing that it will destroy you. Now if you have failed all the others, that is your final chance for redemption." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Point of No Return Season 3, Ep 9
[titular episode of season] Everything goes to hell. "You have a chance few others will ever have, Mollari. You still have three opportunities to avoid the fire that waits for you at the end of your journey. You have already wasted two others. You must save the eye that does not see. You must not kill the one who is already dead. And at the last, you must surrender yourself to your greatest fear, knowing that it will destroy you. Now if you have failed all the others, that is your final chance for redemption." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Acts of Sacrifice Season 2, Ep 12
G'Kar tries desperately to find allies for the Narn. Ivanova tries to cement an alliance with a new alien species, and engages in chicanery to do so. Londo has some regrets about his new position. "There is nothing to mediate, Delenn. Unless others choose to become involved, we will destroy them, or they will destroy us. There is no in-between." [more inside]
Babylon 5: The Geometry of Shadows Season 2, Ep 3
Londo attempts to woo a gathering of Technomages who have arrived on the station, to mirror an event in the early Empire and bring himself prestige. Ivanova tries to stop the regularly scheduled Green Drazi/Purple Drazi conflict. "There is a storm coming, a black and terrible storm. We would not have our knowledge lost or used to ill purpose. From this place we will launch ourselves into the stars. With luck, you will never see our kind again in your lifetime." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Revelations Season 2, Ep 2
Franklin busies himself with saving Delenn and Garibaldi. Sheridan's sister arrives to discuss his late wife, Anna. G'Kar returns with news. Morden makes a request. "The darkness has come again." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Chrysalis Rewatch Season 1, Ep 22
The Centauri and the Narn bicker about the ownership of an outpost, and one side takes decisive action. Delenn takes an irreversible step, after consulting with Kosh. Garibaldi's informant is killed and he wants to find out why. "And so it begins." [more inside]
Babylon 5: Chrysalis First Watch Season 1, Ep 22
The Centauri and the Narn bicker about the ownership of an outpost, and one side takes decisive action. Delenn takes an irreversible step, after consulting with Kosh. Garibaldi's informant is killed and he wants to find out why. "And so it begins." [more inside]