3 posts tagged with lust by filthy light thief.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.
The New Pope: Episode 6 Season 1, Ep 6
"They're all distortions of love. Hysteria of one sort or another. That's how the Holy Father defined them. [...] Follow the love, I was saying. That's where you will find failure." [more inside]
The Magicians: We Have Brought You Little Cakes Show Only Season 2, Ep 13
Ember recaps things so far as only Ember can, which brings us to now: "a crisis comes to a head when the true power behind the troubles comes to party. Battles are won and wars are lost, as Q and the others must protect their kingdom. Alice makes a startling revelation and things may never be the same." Now, let's debate the merits of an open, informed democracy versus an authoritarian monarchy! [Season Finale; Season 3 due out in 2018]
The Magicians: We Have Brought You Little Cakes Books Included Season 2, Ep 13
Ember recaps things so far as only Ember can, which brings us to now: "a crisis comes to a head when the true power behind the troubles comes to party. Battles are won and wars are lost, as Q and the others must protect their kingdom. Alice makes a startling revelation and things may never be the same." Your books mean nothing here! [Season Finale; Season 3 due out in 2018]