Hello from the Magic Tavern: Season 2, Ep 93 - Modron (w/ Chris Perkins of Wizards of the Coast)
January 28, 2019 4:56 AM - Subscribe

We learn about the half organic, half robotic Modron, Weewoo, visiting from another, more orderly plane of existence. Also, there's magic and stuff.

Credits:Arnie: Arnie NiekampChunt: Adal RifaiUsidore: Matt YoungWeewoo the Modron: Chris PerkinsMysterious Man: Tim SniffenProducers: Arnie Niekamp, Ryan DiGiorgi, Evan JacoverEditor: Garrett SchultzTheme Music: Andy PolandMagic Tavern Logo: Allard LabanAudio Assistance: Jason KnoxProduction Assistance: Garrett SchultzSpecial Thanks: Greg Tito, and Ryan Marth from Siren Sound
posted by FallowKing (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
"This existence makes no sense."
posted by Jugwine at 10:38 AM on January 28, 2019

This was one of my favorite ones in recent memory. The guys really knew how to draw Perkins in and give him room to shine.
posted by Etrigan at 6:41 PM on January 29, 2019

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