Project Runway: One Elle of a Day
June 7, 2019 8:31 AM - Season 17, Episode 13 - Subscribe

The remaining designers arrive at a new work space to unpack their collections and learn their final challenge. Nina Garcia meets them at the Elle Magazine offices and the designers are sent spiraling when tasked with a surprise eleventh look. In the end, only three of them will move on to compete in the finale.
posted by Anonymous (8 comments total)
This was teh best episode of Project Runway in several seasons. Hester showed that she can be real competition in the finale. Sebastian shone are the right time and the camaraderie was true right through the end. Bishme broke my heart. I was so sad to watch him struggle and cried real tears when Bishme took his moment outside. Yet I admire the show for actually letting him go. It was the most fair decision (Even if I hated everything Garo had to show) and Bishme just wasn't in the headspace to make the most of a surprise second chance.

Also, this episode showed why Christian is such a great mentor. He gives real advice and leaves it to the designer to make things better. Tim would have let Sebastian send out leggings with a with a cover up.
posted by CatastropheWaitress at 10:00 AM on June 7, 2019 [2 favorites]

I was sorry to see Bishme go, but I agree that it was fair. I think Nina made the point that he didn't actually have enough looks for the final show. I don't know how much time they have left before that, but if it's only a few days, I don't think he could have gotten it done. It probably would have been even more stressful for him. Garo's looks seemed dated to me, although they were supposed to be from the future.

I've grown to love Hester Sunshine--who I found annoying in the first weeks--and think her collection looks great. I like Sebastian best, but Hester has a really unique take on things.

Actually, I think the reason I like Hester and Sebastian (other than their talent) is that they are more than one-trick ponies. It seems like this is the first season in which designers were allowed to do the same thing (e.g., quilting, corsets, fraying hems) every week, and because of that, we didn't see a lot of range or growth from some designers. In past seasons, designers were always pushed to show variety and were sometimes kicked off just for doing a similar look to something they'd done before. If they do a season 18, I hope they will go back to that.
posted by pangolin party at 10:41 AM on June 7, 2019

I think this is the first time I would be happy with either designer winning, Hester or Sebastian. They both have good collections and could use the mentoring. The judges' hardest decision was who to send home. If Bisme hadn't collapsed from the pressure, Garo would've gone home, if those two outfits were any indication.
posted by TWinbrook8 at 12:19 PM on June 7, 2019 [2 favorites]

I was so sad for Bishme, but I knew he was in trouble when Christian visited him. And they always throw in an 'extra look' challenge so he would never have caught up. I hope if Bravo is able to negotiate with Lifetime for past designers that we'll see him on an All Stars show at some point because we definitely didn't see his full potential.

I can't believe I'm typing this, but I actually liked the outfits of Hester's that we saw. Not as much as Sebastian's, but they weren't the hot mess I was expecting. The print she designed, mixing digital with Rococo, was really clever and surprisingly understated for her. But her clothes are all too "Harajaku" - and not in any kind of a good way.

I can't remember what any of Garo's outfits looked like, his clothes are so boring.
posted by essexjan at 12:15 PM on June 8, 2019 [1 favorite]

My love of Sebastian will have to triumph over my wariness of waterfall collars, borne of many years toil in the mass market plus size trenches. I have warmed to Hester as a person but that new look just screamed skinned Elmo to me, and I don't get the freshness the judges apparently see. But hey, she makes great TV. I'm fond of Garo (who made Aquaria's jaw-dropping Drag Race finale outfit, a crossover event I live for!) and think he's working the show for exposure in a very smart way.

Liked the new format, and the tactical deployment of Nina was very smart. A full tailored suit in 14 hours though? Harsh.
posted by Gin and Broadband at 5:36 AM on June 9, 2019 [1 favorite]

That WAS a super hard ask from Nina!

I am so so so sad for Bishme. It's awful to see someone you're rooting for and someone who has worked so hard, end up choking. But he is a talented designer and there's no way he doesn't get a lot of attention after this.

Rooting for Sebastian as well.
posted by chainsofreedom at 4:13 PM on June 9, 2019 [1 favorite]

I liked Garo better than Hester; when someone's attitude gets in the way of the clothes, it really rubs me the wrong way. Probably in the minority alas.
posted by Melismata at 9:29 AM on June 10, 2019 [1 favorite]

I think that Garo is good at what he does, but he is just NOT the kind of high-end designer that this show is trying to produce and never had a chance of winning the whole shebang. He is costumey (and look, this isn't a criticism from me per se, I fucking love a corset) and so very set in his ways about it.

I am heartbroken for Bishme. I'm from Baltimore and I was rooting for him. But it was probably a kindness to let him go since he wasn't prepared to properly compete. I don't think anyone is happy with how this turned out for him.

What an interestingly difficult decision the judges will have for the finale! I don't love Hester's aesthetic, but I give her huge props for how she took criticism and grew, and I do believe she deserves to be here at the end. Did you see the guy from CFDA's face when Sebastian's collection came out? He was straight-up wowwed. I readily admit that Sebastian was my favorite from the very first episode. I was relieved to see some real appreciation for his craftsmanship and detail, which I felt was previously kind of taken for granted by the judges.
posted by desuetude at 10:04 PM on June 10, 2019 [3 favorites]

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