Lilyhammer : The Olympics caught my attention
November 15, 2014 12:16 PM - Subscribe

Just checking for interest. The 3rd season of this Netflix original drops on the 21st.

I was considering doing the last episode of the second season as a catchall for discussion of the 1st and 2nd seasons' plots, characters etc. Van Zandt is an extremely accomplished musician and I think music will take a bigger part each season as well. I've been at a loss of how to describe this series to my friends, so I find myself shouting out titles (Fargo! Goodfellas! In Bruges?!!). The humor has also caught me off guard so that I've spit out my drink... More than once. Anyone else delighted and wanting to chat this show up?
posted by lawliet (1 comment total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I would like to watch this but haven't caught up on the first two seasons yet.
posted by roolya_boolya at 2:11 PM on November 17, 2014

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