Bad Blood: The Final Chapter: Episode 4: Guilty Conscience
September 11, 2021 10:06 AM - Subscribe

A note Elizabeth Holmes wrote to herself one night in late October 2014 suggests she knew she was committing fraud.

"Really smart people picked off Mado, not you"
posted by bq (3 comments total)
I think it would be a big stretch for the prosecution to argue that this note should be interpreted the way Carreyrou posits.

The comparisons to Madoff were interesting, though, and I was glad to have a little more insight int9 how Holmes successfully bullshitted people.

I can’t believe people have her all that money without seeing audited financials. That’s nuts.
posted by bq at 10:09 AM on September 11, 2021

What in heaven’s name….
posted by bq at 5:53 PM on September 14, 2021 [2 favorites]

I though this episode made a little too much of the note, but it was interesting to know that Madoff was someone Holmes spent time thinking about. A day or two after I listened to this, the NPR app on my phone suggested the Half-Vaxxed podcast about a covid testing company started by a 22 year old who I think shares some interesting similarities with Holmes - mainly confidence that they were going to change the world with almost nothing to back that up.

And that link about Bill Evens...what on earth??? As a person who maybe spends too much time on anxiety, these people who seem to be so supremely confidant that they can do anything are both fascinating and scary.
posted by Sabby at 12:16 PM on September 17, 2021

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