Legends of Tomorrow: A Woman's Place Is In The War Effort!
November 25, 2021 9:18 AM - Season 7, Episode 7 - Subscribe

The Legends end up at an airplane manufacturing plant in the 1940's and most of the ladies go to work at it, in varying jobs. Astra hits her limit on sexism and racism, leading to the team to go all "9 to 5" on the place. Behrad and Zari 2 educate Nate on Iranian hospitality, while Bishop tests their patience on that topic.
posted by jenfullmoon (2 comments total)
I definitely enjoyed the 9 to 5-ness of it, and Eleanor Roosevelt. Though yeah, it's annoying that the guy who was being a bigot gets all the credit for the developments made while he was frozen, without the reward of being sent to South America :P
Astra and Spooner's friendship continues to be adorable. And while I am not into hostessing whatsoever, Behrad's very sweet in this one on explaining things.

Evil Legends versions?! Oy!
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:24 AM on November 25, 2021

I know exactly what I want for Christmas: a quarterly (or, if I'm being really greedy, monthly) appointment with the Legends hairdresser and make-up artist who have been doing such stunning work on Ava and Sara this season. I specify those professionals, as my hair type and colouring is closest to the two captains (even though all the ladies have been looking absolutely lovely), so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for them to apply their skills and experience to making me look vaguely presentable.
posted by sardonyx at 3:55 PM on November 25, 2021

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