Discussion / Planning
December 6, 2021 1:25 AM - Subscribe

A place for meta-discussion about videogames and the club.

Thought this might be helpful for talking about norms. For example: if there's a post up on a game and you want to talk about the ending, maybe we can agree to hide major super duper spoilers using the details tag?

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posted by lazaruslong to A Videogame Club (2 comments total)
I think this club is a great idea and I'm in!

I would prefer the discussions be spoilerific (below the post break) the way Fanfare is -- some of my favorite recent games that I'd love to discuss on here, like Inscryption and Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye, must be recommended with kid gloves, but what I want to talk about is buried pretty deep in those experiences. Perhaps posters can choose include a recommendation to go in to games blind above the post break on games like that.
posted by Rinku at 4:46 PM on December 7, 2021 [1 favorite]

You know, you're totally right. We should definitely just have fun w/ spoilers in the game threads.
posted by lazaruslong at 7:47 AM on December 8, 2021 [1 favorite]

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