Sleepy Hollow?
January 8, 2015 10:27 AM - Subscribe

Anyone up for talking about SH's new season?

I'm surprised no one has posted on the new season of Sleepy Hollow yet. The first episode introduced a whole bunch of new complications. Anyone?
posted by Thorzdad (5 comments total)
I don't watch the show but if you feel it's worth talking about, go ahead and make a post. The threshold for a FanFare post is pretty low.
posted by Small Dollar at 6:20 PM on January 8, 2015

Threshold? $5 SAIT.
posted by Ik ben afgesneden at 8:45 AM on January 9, 2015

I confess I will watch it. But usually at the end of the season and when there's nothing else on and not every episode. Some of the right pieces are there but it just doesn't gell.
posted by Ik ben afgesneden at 8:46 AM on January 9, 2015

I have to admit, I put my Sleepy Hollow watching on hold because there were too many other shows that I was watching this fall. Fortunately, Hulu Plus is keeping every episode in circulation (not just the last 5, like with most shows) so I figure I can catch up pretty much whenever.

But by all means, go ahead and post if you've got a mind to. There's probably a ton of people watching it here who aren't inclined to start a post (even though it's really easy) but will comment on one if given the opportunity.
posted by Strange Interlude at 10:57 AM on January 9, 2015 [1 favorite]

Thorzdad, I went ahead and posted a thread for episode 12. (I seem to gravitate towards low-comment-generating shows; don't know that I'll want to take on Sleepy entirely though.)
posted by oh yeah! at 5:32 AM on January 14, 2015

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