NPR: Pop Culture Happy Hour Podcast: Small Batch: The Golden Globe Awards
January 14, 2015 5:43 PM - Subscribe

In this Pop Culture Happy Hour extra, Linda Holmes and Stephen Thompson talk about the Golden Globes. They'll talk about the surprising wins, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler's final night as hosts, and much more.
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome (4 comments total)
The small batches are really hitting a sweet spot here - if you don't have time to commit to the longer podcast episodes, these are great to listen to while you putter around the house or work on a project.

However I found this one a tad on the short side compared to the previous small batch (The Bachelor). I think 12 minutes is a great length and am hoping that more of 'em are about that length. Felt a bit *too* short this time.

Always enjoyable, always good to listen to.

What did you all think?
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome at 5:47 PM on January 14, 2015

You Episode Home link doesn't work for me. This does. An Australian only problem?
posted by unliteral at 7:22 PM on January 14, 2015

(pb left a comment in the other thread, fyi.)
posted by joseph conrad is fully awesome at 3:07 PM on January 16, 2015

I just listened to this podcast. Re: Selma*, Linda and Stephen note that perhaps the reason that Selma didn't garner more nominations was because it didn't send out screeners to guild members. IE, it didn't participate in the sort of awards-season marketing that most Oscar contenders engage in. I've heard this rationale for Selma's "snub" before. While I don't really like knowing that marketing to the Academy is a determining factor in which films win awards, it seems to me that if the studio or producers have a movie that they think is Oscar-worthy, but they don't want to market it to the Academy and want it to win on its own merits, then maybe they shouldn't have waited until January to release it. If they had released it in October or November, then there would have been more time for buzz to build and Academy members to see it before the end of the year crush of movies, and perhaps it would've faired better. There just wasn't enough time for people to see it before the nomination deadlines.

I do like that PCHH points out that "snubbed" is a dumb term to use for nominations. As they pointed out, people vote for things, not against them. Just because the Academy as a whole liked 5 other directors better, doesn't take anything away from the director of Selma.

*I'm sure there's a Selma thread somewhere which might be a better place to comment on it, but I haven't seen the movie, so... here I am.
posted by donajo at 10:51 AM on February 16, 2015

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