For All Mankind: Seven Minutes of Terror
July 8, 2022 8:38 PM - Season 3, Episode 5 - Subscribe

The race to land first on Mars brings together unexpected allies.

The new unified crew of Sojourner jettisons some dead weight and sets sail for Mars again. Margo and the Soviets discuss terms for future cooperation. Ed hits the manual override button. Danny gets root access to Phoenix and reads Ed’s emails.

Aleida reverse engineers her own engineering, and brings her findings to Margo “Rollo Tomassi” Madison. Kelly takes an interest in improved international relations and the teachings of Chuck D. Karen goes home. Wayne makes a house call. Danny gambles with Ed.

Dani decides on a more assertive approach. Ed decides not to continue flying into deteriorating conditions. Dev gets upset a lot. No sign of any North Koreans.
posted by cardboard (19 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Well, I do appreciate after episodes of international tension and space tragedy that landing on Mars turned into slapstick! I genuinely chuckled a lot. What an inspiration.

I imagine the North Korean subplot is still lurking in the background and that pay-off could be wonderful.
posted by crossoverman at 9:26 PM on July 8, 2022 [11 favorites]

I actually liked this one!

- The intrigue with Aleida and Margo was good and it was nice to see Sergei again although Polonium-210 is a hell of a drug.

- WAYNE! and goo balls! And Karen made a self-referencing "The Graduate" joke so at least she sees how ridiculous that plot line was.

- The mars landing was dramatic and well done. I thought for sure that Ed was going to force a dangerous landing because he still feels bad about aborting Apollo 10 but he showed actual personal growth and did the safe thing.

- I didn't mind Kelly's er, international relations (I love your synopses cardboard!) and I liked seeing the Russians and Americans getting along, until they didn't, and the newscaster saying "They're stepping onto Mars together! What an inspiration!" was hilarious. Setting up something that funny to organically happen right after the end of a long dramatic piece is very good writing.

- Danny asking Nick "Say, just out of curiosity, what was that password" was NOT very good writing. They've waited way too long to set off the "Danny's obsession and instability causes a crisis in space" time bomb and I'm sick and tired of it.

Other than that... not bad at all.
posted by mmoncur at 12:00 AM on July 9, 2022 [11 favorites]

Yeah, I really hope the Danny/Ed confrontation happens next ep, it’s gone on a little too long and required a little too many shenanigans for the setup (e.g. the password).

Likewise, I would like to see the Margo intrigue come to a head soon. It’s not that I find it totally impossible for to keep up her espionage for so long – history tells us of spies doing similar things for even longer – but it’s more that the stakes have already gotten so high, there isn’t much left to run, and the whole “let’s handle this after the landing” – while smart – seems yet another plot delaying mechanism.

Meanwhile, I am very much here for the NASA/Russians on Mars drama with the defector and Kelly’s stuff, plus whatever happens next with Helios!
posted by adrianhon at 3:54 AM on July 9, 2022 [1 favorite]

Like everyone else here, that ending... *chef's kiss*. I suspect not all of the Russians are turds, but that one guy - he's gonna be a problem. I also need something to happen with Danny soon. Real soon.

Unlike other people, I don't have a problem with the noose drawing tighter and tighter around Margo. I'm wondering if she can get Sergei's family out before she gets arrested and tried for treason? Gonna be a nail-biter. Aleida is going to feel totally betrayed when it's all said and done, which is exactly how Margo felt with her mentor. They're definitely playing with the "history repeats itself" concept in this season.
posted by rednikki at 6:34 AM on July 9, 2022 [3 favorites]

Agreed, this was a better episode than the last couple.

I half expected Danny and Ed to get stranded and then have Danny confess to Ed. I'm still thinking that might happen and Ed will actually forgive him and everyone will live happily ever after. Except for maybe Karen who still has a stalker on Mars.

Loved the Karen and Wayne gooball scene. Some of the male/female friendships in this show have been a lot of fun. Karen and Wayne, Ed and Dani. Now Kelly is having an extra fun time in space with the Russian dude.

I thought the US/Russian footprint scene was a little corny but it was also fun.

I'm worried about Margo. I don't think her story is going to end well.

The password scene was super dumb, though admin/rainbow was a typical user/pw combo back in the 1990s. I think half our server passwords back then were just "password." Super creepy that he's seeing those d-mails.

I guess engines are really, really good now but I still think the US ships seems a little impractical. It's basically a Shuttle combined with a VTOL jet.

Despite my past gripes, I'm still enjoying most of this show. It is a lot of things, but it is also just plain fun.
posted by bondcliff at 8:14 AM on July 9, 2022 [2 favorites]

It's interesting how this show has ended up being all about secrets. And mature male/female friendships.

Von Braun's story ended in relative tranquility, dying of natural causes as a generally well regarded private citizen. It's only 50 years on that people are increasingly giving his status the side eye. In contrast, I can't see how Margo's story ends well. Even if she manages to deflect any official suspicions and investigations, Aleida is too smart and driven to give up, and she'll find out Margo's betrayal. At best, only Aleida will find out the truth, and agree to keep it a secret, to great personal damage between both of them. At worst, Margo ends up executed (and Sergei and his family don't do much better).

That Graduate reference had me surprised. I guess Karen just had to spill to someone, and I think Wayne is trustworthy enough to keep a secret. Even so, he's so close to the old gang, this reveals more of Karen's recklessness.

But, yes, male-female friendships. Ed and Dani, Karen and Wayne, Bill Strausser and Aleida, Ellen and Larry (and talk about secrets!). Kelly's relationship seems more sexual/romantic at this point.

In contrast, toxic male relationships have been a recurring theme. I'm guessing Danny will do something really stupid and tragic.

The Mars lander did seem improbable, but then again, more-or-less unlimited energy is kind of a thing, isn't it? This show really is a post I.G.Y. depiction.
posted by 2N2222 at 9:08 AM on July 9, 2022 [1 favorite]

Anyone else suspicious that Sergei hasn't been in prison the whole time after all, and is actually there to compound Margo's problems? He seemed awfully squeamish about things when she offered to try to get asylum for his family. (Which could also just be "OMG, Margo, the fact that you even suggested such a thing suggests you have no idea what you're up against.")

I'm guessing the Margo/espionage plotline is going to ensnare the President, which is going to bring the Oval Office recordings to light. I rewatched the previous two seasons, and in season 2, Pam makes an offhand remark to Ellen about being the inaugural poet someday. Which means Pam might be hanging around the White House, and the recordings might expose that too.

posted by Blue Jello Elf at 10:16 AM on July 9, 2022 [1 favorite]

Yep, this show has been obsessed with recordings from the start, using "tape excerpts" to narrate the story sometimes, and they never did anything with the Nixon tapes/Watergate thing (which presumably didn't happen in this universe.) And they keep showing that tape recorder. So there's definitely going to be an Ellengate coming.
posted by mmoncur at 10:47 PM on July 9, 2022

I was surprised that if Sergei was in prison all this time, that he wasn't visibly much skinnier from a lack of nutrition—more like Christian Bale in The Machinist. Or maybe the KGB was feeding him well so he can be tortured as long as possible (?), but that seems unlikely.
posted by blueberry at 12:14 AM on July 10, 2022 [1 favorite]

FTR, on closer observation, Danielle steps on Mars first ahead of the Russian.
posted by fairmettle at 9:51 AM on July 10, 2022 [3 favorites]

I believe Sergei has been in prison. His handlers were very menacing when they were telling him to get more out of Margo. He has the thousand yard stare of someone who has endured major, relentless trauma. They weren’t intending on getting him out but they realized the only way Margo would continue to help was if he came to Houston. The Soviets are very reluctantly letting him have a few minutes alone with Margo, making it clear they are right outside the door.

I don’t know what Margo has in mind but I’m guessing that she has resigned herself that she will end up in prison through whatever plan she has to set things right on Sergei’s end. Whatever the Soviets need with the US equipment can’t be good, because they wouldn’t insist on working outside channels to get access to the equipment. Whether Margo is or isn’t naive enough to know this or not, we’ll find out.
posted by azpenguin at 1:03 PM on July 10, 2022 [1 favorite]

Hopefully the showrunners wouldn't have even asked for that kind of utterly insane Bales-like acting commitment from the actor playing Sergei and trusted the audience to leave it to our imaginations.
posted by Pryde at 3:11 PM on July 10, 2022 [3 favorites]

I have a bad feeling that Margo's going to try to pin the leak on someone else. Someone with intimate knowledge of the engine design. Someone who might be thought of as "Margo's girl."
posted by under_petticoat_rule at 4:40 AM on July 11, 2022

Aleida: Holy shit, we landed on Mars! Hey, what happened to those binders of evidence?

Margo: They're someplace very safe.

Aleida: It's a serious security issue! An investigation should be done —

Margo: Oh, it will be, Aleida, I assure you. We have top men working on it right now.

Aleida: Who?

Margo: Top. Men.

Aleida: I may be able to help!

Margo: We appreciate that. And we won't hesitate to call on you.
posted by mikepop at 6:38 AM on July 11, 2022 [4 favorites]

I'm struggling with Margo disclosing the nuclear engine specs. It doesn't read as plausible to me. The Russians did not have sufficient evidence to blackmail her. Once she realised that Sergei had been playing her for years, it feels like someone as hard-nosed as Margo, who turned down a child begging for help, would have thrown Sergei to the wolves.
posted by His thoughts were red thoughts at 8:29 PM on August 15, 2022 [4 favorites]

Oh, Danny, Danny, Danny. Will someone just space this asshole already? It's not like people aren't dying in horrible space accidents left and right. Why not him?

I mean Gordo and Tracy were fuckups, but we loved them anyway. Danny. Just...fuck that guy. What a douchecanoe.
posted by Naberius at 7:22 AM on August 22, 2022 [2 favorites]

Yeah, I was hoping Margo would in the moment ask herself "wait, if this guy knew who was going to knock on the door (and either he was wired or the room was wired), then he's been setting me up this whole time, so do I actually want to help him?" She turned down Aleida's request for help when she was a kid and that was just inconvenient rather than full-on treasonous.

If she did, then this is going to be a hell of a blow to Aleida. I'm wondering if something happened that wasn't Margo giving them the plans but that she was aware of. I don't *think* Margo is enough of an asshole to end up doing something really nasty like framing Aleida.

I continue to think Danny is a little psycho and this will be revealed unpleasantly. I assume he's going to be extra grumpy at Ed for aborting the landing. And, yeah, Gordo and Tracy were fuckups but both had boatloads of charisma and this character is just a fuckup with a monotonously one-note obsession.
posted by rmd1023 at 12:54 PM on October 3, 2022 [2 favorites]

EXCELLENT speech and overrides, Ed and Phoenix team. And Karen's "Watch me" quit.

Uh-oh, Aleida figured it out and you know she won't shut up or let anything go. Makes you sorry you mentored her now, eh?

Greaaaat, he can still stalk her from space.

Learning English from...rappers?!

WHEW. Sergei is okay...albeit quite bald. "Instead they work on my lungs." :(

"You are extremely bright, beautiful fascist reactionary." WHAT A COME-ON LINE, DUDE. And it works!!!!

Decades later, Karen and Wayne are STILL POTHEAD BUDDIES.

Still ironic that Karen hates space and yet has created multiple careers out of it. You KNOW she's high to get excited about space.


DANIELLE IS THE BEST ASTRONAUT ON THIS SHOW. And so violent! "They're going together! How inspiring!" as they fall over. LOLOLOLOLOL.

And now I need to take a break for the night.
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:47 PM on March 19, 2023 [1 favorite]

I don't *think* Margo is enough of an asshole to end up doing something really nasty like framing Aleida.
I’d like to agree with this, but I’m thinking back to Molly earlier referring to Margo as the evil bitch queen from hell (or words to that effect) and wondering if that was deliberate foreshadowing…
posted by coriolisdave at 9:15 PM on January 21, 2024

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