Atlanta: It Was All a Dream
November 11, 2022 12:35 PM - Season 4, Episode 10 - Subscribe

What a long, strange trip it's been.

Sensory deprivation, dreams within dreams, supporting the community versus eating some reasonably good chicken. So much going on in this episode, and a pretty stellar ending. I might rewatch this in the next 24 hours. Heck, I might rewatch this whole season by the time this month is over. What a great series finale.

A lot of food for thought:
  • How far should we go as individuals to "support the community"?
  • Was all of season 3 "just a dream"?
  • What does Darius see in the end?
  • Who else laughed out loud at that "Old McDonald" duet?
posted by skoosh (6 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
The Judge Judy "anchor" bit had me in stitches.
posted by Token Meme at 9:22 PM on November 11, 2022 [3 favorites]

Aw, that smile? I think he sees a regular Judge Judy. Darius is relentlessly tethered to the present. How many of us as adults get confirmation that our amazing friends are real, they're right outside, waiting for us. These are the days.
posted by cocoagirl at 3:46 PM on November 13, 2022 [5 favorites]

Well said, cocoagirl; I agree he sees the regular Judge Judy and is overwhelmed.

I also noticed just as he is watching but before the final song kicks in, you can briefly hear faint sirens. Perhaps police coming for the stolen car, another possible “this is real” indicator.
posted by mikepop at 8:12 PM on November 14, 2022 [2 favorites]

This was an amazing series finale. Sepinwall has a great writeup if you missed it. When it ended, my SO said "The whole series was a dream" and I said "I'm glad Darius finally found the real world" so conclusions clearly vary, which is a testament to how great the execution was.

If you need more LaKeith Stanfield, make sure to check out Sorry to Bother You.
posted by General Malaise at 5:36 PM on November 18, 2022

Enjoyed this last episode, it felt like it hit the beats from the show that I like best. The group of pals clowning around. The crazy circumstances like the tearoom or the sushi joint run by a scolding Nation of Islam guy named Demarcus. Darius the Fool, completely out of his mind and yet also perceiving things very clearly. Earn trying to just be normal and decent and Al with no patience for bullshit. Also damn, I'd like some Popeye's.

I admired this show. I didn't always enjoy it. Honestly I don't think I understood a lot of it, I've never felt quite so white or so middle aged as watching this. Which is why I watched it, because it's incredibly well made and has a lot to say and it's worth the effort to get it. The show didn't go through a lot of effort to meet viewers, certainly didn't pander, and I was both vexxed by and appreciated that.
posted by Nelson at 7:10 AM on December 30, 2022

Inside Donald Glover’s New Creative Playground: "He changed the course of television with Atlanta and laid out a blueprint for a whole era of dark comedy. And now, out in Ojai, California, the multihyphenate star is preparing for the next phase of his career, building something even bigger and more ambitious that only he could have imagined."
Atlanta is one of the rare shows that stars Black people and is actually for Black people. It’s basically one big inside joke. And, when you’re the only ones in the room, sometimes you’re the butt of that joke.
posted by Nelson at 7:48 AM on April 6, 2023 [1 favorite]

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