Gary and His Demons: Gary and his Demons - Season 1
March 8, 2023 12:52 PM - Season 1 (Full Season) - Subscribe

Burdened by his "Chosen One" status and backed by a team of specialists he can't relate to, Gary the demon hunter struggles to keep interest in the Earth-saving duty he never asked for and doesn't want.

Burned through both seasons on Amazon Prime pretty quickly -- S1 is 16 episodes long, S2 is 10, and an episode runs about 11 minutes.

I was surprised at how good (and funny) it is -- a bunch of Canadians I've never heard of made it, and while the animation is definitely not extravagant, I laughed a lot more than I expected to going in.

Blindfolded, you could be forgiven for thinking it's Rick & Morty, both from the gruff voice and a now familiar "I'm just going to, err, whattaya call the thing, yeah, over there, I'm just gonna, yeah, no, that wasn't it" cadence of speech.

But I might like it even a bit more than R&M? It's not as ambitious, and the heights aren't nearly as high, but it's all a bit more grounded and relatable and I actually feel a lot for Gary, who is the epitome of "peaked young, got stuck" and is a frustrated, angry person who is still trying in some ways to grow (especially in the second season).
posted by Shepherd (4 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Oh, and I'll never stop loving his Sailor Moon-esque transformation sequence -- "Sword, Make Me Better!"
posted by Shepherd at 12:53 PM on March 8, 2023

Is the vibe "BtVS only a middle-aged guy and the Scoobies aren't necessarily friends?" Because I think I could dig that.
posted by Halloween Jack at 10:30 AM on March 9, 2023 [2 favorites]

Just watched the first episode, and only that, because it's not on Amazon Prime 'merica yet, and only one ep is on YouTube, but I really kind of dig it. And, yeah, close your eyes and it could be Rick Sanchez. Hey, maybe now that Justin Roiland has been outed as a horrible person, whoever's doing the voice for Gary might give the R&M producers a call.
posted by Halloween Jack at 1:40 PM on March 9, 2023 [3 favorites]

Is the vibe "BtVS only a middle-aged guy and the Scoobies aren't necessarily friends?"

That's pretty dead on, actually. And while Buffy proves to be innately a good and heroic person, Gary is just... some guy with the particular quirk of being the Chosen One. Being "chosen" doesn't seem to rely on any other great attributes here, it's just an accidental quirk of birth.

I'm in Canada, so I didn't know it wasn't on Prime elsewhere -- usually we get things last! Go Canada.
posted by Shepherd at 5:12 PM on March 9, 2023 [2 favorites]

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