Loudermilk: Season 1: Full Season
August 9, 2023 10:26 AM - Season 1 (Full Season) - Subscribe

Sam Loudermilk, a former music critic, is a recovering alcoholic in charge of a local Sober Friends (drug and alcohol recovery support group). In order to continue holding his meetings at the local church, misanthropic Loudermilk is charged with helping a parishioner's addict daughter.

Starring Ron Livingston as the titular Loudermilk, Will Sasso as Loudermilk's friend/sponsor/roommate Ben, and Anja Savcic as Claire. Featuring Brian Regan and Mat Fraser as Mugsy and Roger. Created by Peter Farrelly and Bobby Mort.

Definite trigger warnings for: drug and alcohol use, cheating, and drunk driving
posted by miss-lapin (6 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Streaming in the US via Amazon Prime.

I just started this myself. It's interesting to see Ron Livingston over the line of his usual affable-if-slightly-dickheaded persona.
posted by Etrigan at 1:16 PM on August 9, 2023 [1 favorite]

It's not a bad show, but I'm so surprised that it's so recently made. The vibes are very "cable network in 2005."
posted by grandiloquiet at 1:58 PM on August 9, 2023 [3 favorites]

I think that vibe comes from this being half a Farrelly brothers project. While sometimes it works, sometimes the jokes are really cringey. The writing is definitely uneven. What makes it watchable is the cast including the supporting actors.
posted by miss-lapin at 3:25 PM on August 9, 2023 [2 favorites]

So I liked the first few episodes. But it went south for me with office guy and Cutter. First, his ultra horrible idea-stealing boss. Then agreeing to go one meeting (what? No way.) and then psycho Cutter - tasing, kidnapping, suturing with dental floss? Is it funny? Nope. I was enraged but kept hoping this would resolve and then Sam’s dad. Just no. Wished I’d stopped watching sooner, it really put me in a foul mood. I liked the female characters, all two of them. Not counting rich asshole mom or Cutter’s sleep-like-the-dead mom.
posted by Glinn at 9:33 PM on January 20, 2024

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if people bounced off during the Cutter and Tom back half of the season. Sure, Loudermilk is an asshole, and the support group are all kind of broadly painted, but it works well enough for a half hour comedy. But the Cutter plot tended to get too much into the Farrelly's physical comedy, which felt out of place in this show.
posted by Kyol at 7:26 AM on February 14, 2024

Just getting to the Dad episodes, and it feels like it's settling into whatever it winds up being. Cutter I like in a Doakes-from-Dexter vibe, and I guess I'm just going with it.
posted by rhizome at 2:50 AM on June 3, 2024

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