All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite: May 8, 2024
May 8, 2024 5:56 PM - Season 5, Episode 32 - Subscribe

AEW's next stop in the Canadian tour is Edmonton, which causes a spot of trouble since the Oilers are also in the playoffs tonight. Anyone who forgoes hockey is going to see Adam Copeland continue to defend his TNT Championship against the House of Black, Orange Cassidy getting his grudge match with Trent Beretta, Mariah May looking to break a losing streak, and Swerve getting his face-to-face with Christian Cage.

The announced card for Dynamite:
TNT Championship Match: Adam Copeland vs. Brody King
Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta
Mariah May vs. Harley Cameron
An announcement from Kenny Omega
Swerve Strickland & Christian Cage face-to-face
Serena Deeb to speak
Chris Jericho & Big Bill in action
posted by The Pluto Gangsta (4 comments total)
Orange Cassidy surprised Trent (but really, why be shocked?) by going full throttle from the beginning. Don Callis, filling in for a sick Taz on commentary, is still making heart eyes at OC. Trent is going full heel, but then an interesting sequence where Trent pulls off a turnbuckle, gets admonished by a ref, and Cassidy pulls off a different turnbuckle, rams Trent into it, and wins? Trent tries to get some post-match castigo but Callis steps in and leads him away?

Is he a tweener now?

Also Kris Statlander was pleading with Trent. If this heel turn was egalitarian, Trent would have taken a swing at her and then they'd have a match, but he don't want that smoke.
posted by The Pluto Gangsta at 6:09 PM on May 8, 2024

Serena Deeb did the best she could keeping the crowd engaged during a live promo where the crowd wanted to chant about the Oilers, but she's lucky Toni Storm came out to liven it up. Sometimes "talk faster" really is the solution. Compare and contrast with Willow Nightingale, who came out with a black eye and put across to the crowd that (a) yes, she has respect for Mercedes Moné, but (b) while MM has been rehabbing and hobnobbing with Hollywood, she (Willow) has won a crapton of belts.
posted by The Pluto Gangsta at 6:21 PM on May 8, 2024

Hopefully the association of "The Learning Tree" Chris Jericho and "Large William" *snerk* reminds people of how versatile Big Bill is as a large man who can also do comedy. Look at the height he got those jobbers for a chokeslam!
posted by The Pluto Gangsta at 6:35 PM on May 8, 2024

Rocky Romero is unable to win a trios title shot b/c of his loss to Jay White, but he does float the idea to Orange Cassidy of getting a trio together. Them with Tomohiro Ishii, or Shibata, or.... Trent?

(excited Rappongi Vice intensifies)
posted by The Pluto Gangsta at 6:50 PM on May 8, 2024

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