AEW Collision: May 11, 2024 (& Rampage same day live)
May 12, 2024 1:12 PM - Season 1, Episode 45 - Subscribe

Collision took another week off last week because of basketball, and comes back again for another three hour block. First we get Adam Copeland, Bryan Danielson, Will Ospreay and Thunder Rosa in action then a very Ring-Of-Honor-ish Rampage gets us Dalton Castle, Bryan Keith and Lady Frost too.


Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli defeated Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin)
"The crowd in Vancouver was red hot in AEW’s debut in the market. [...] Schiavone noted that this was the first time live pro wrestling had been on TBS on a Saturday since 2000. Dante got the tag and ran wild on Castagnoli, hitting a frog splash for a nearfall. Castagnoli snatched Dante up into a giant swing. Castagnoli locked on the Sharpshooter before Darius broke it up with an outside-in facebuster. The match broke down into a Pier Six brawl, ending with Dante hitting the Nose Dive for a nearfall. Danielson caught Dante with the Busaiku Knee before kicking Darius into a Sudden Death uppercut from Claudio. Claudio pinned Darius for the win.

Danielson took the mic and gave kudos to Top Flight. He noted that the first Anarchy in the Arena match almost ended his career, but he would fight in it again because he loved AEW."
Will Ospreay defeated Lee Moriarty (w/Shane Taylor)
"Ospreay continues to be one of the most consistently great wrestlers I’ve ever seen. He brings a top-star energy to AEW that not many others can bring. He gave Moriarty some convincing nearfalls before ultimately putting him away with the Stormbreaker, another finisher in his arsenal. The post-match attack from Taylor could set up another television match before the PPV."
Tony Schiavone announced that Willow Nightingale would be defending the TBS Championship against STARDOM’s Tam Nakano at STARDOM Flashing Champions next Saturday, ahead of the Double or Nothing match against Mercedes Mone.

Brian Cage & Gates Of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) defeated Evan Rivers & The Voros Twins
"These poor geeks got murdered by the former Embassy members, with Rivers getting pinned after the pendulum powerbomb. After the bodies were scraped out of the ring, Tony Schiavone asked Brian Cage why they jumped Swerve Strickland. Cage said that Swerve and Nana used them to get to the top, then left them hanging until they were needed. Cage said that they needed better leadership, leadership that the Young Bucks could give.

Swerve’s music hit, leading Cage to meet him on the ramp. But Swerve came out of the crowd with a chain and took out the Gates of Agony. Swerve looked like a boss here, getting his heat back from Dynamite by destroying both of the Gates of Agony."
Daniel Garcia defeated KM
"I like Garcia getting highlight wins, even if he’s not in a featured program at the moment. Matt Menard joined commentary, as per usual with Garcia’s matches. KM overpowered Garcia to start and mocked Garcia’s dancing. Garcia quickly came back with strikes before powering KM up with a back suplex. Garcia got the quick submission win with a Dragon Sleeper."
Dax Harwood (w/ Cash Wheeler) defeated Tommy Billington
“Dynamite Kid” Tommy Billington came out to Rule, Brittania. He is the nephew of the original Dynamite Kid, Tom Billington. Harwood held serve early on, surviving some headbutts from Billington to keep control on the mat. After several shoulder block attempts, Billington finally took Harwood down with a shoulder block to send Harwood to the floor. [...] Harwood sent Billington to the top rope and hit a superplex. The two traded German suplexes before Harwood caught him with a Dragon suplex to shut him down. Billington went for a pair of Owen Hart rollups, but Harwood caught him with a slingshot powerbomb to get the win. After the match, Harwood and Wheeler gave Billington props as the crowd gave him an ovation."
Thunder Rosa defeated Robyn Renegade

Johnny TV & Taya Valkyrie were backstage with Lexy Nair. After razzing the Canucks, Johnny challenged PAC to a match on tonight’s Rampage. Johnny and Taya made out to end the interview.

We got a video from Hook. Hook had his hesitations about Chris Jericho. Jericho’s actions have pissed him off, but they haven’t surprised him. Hook warned Jericho that he didn’t know what Hook could be, but Hook would be happy to show him.

AEW TNT Championship MatchAdam Copeland (c) defeated Kyle O’Reilly
"Tony Schiavone noted that this would be the 100th TNT Title defense in the championship’s history. Copeland is having the run of his lengthy career here in AEW. This match was an excellent main event to Collision, with the Vancouver crowd getting behind O’Reilly as the match progressed. They got me with the guillotine counter to the spear deep into the match, but Copeland ended up retaining. I will say that I’m not a fan of the story with the House of Black potentially making Copeland too violent, as these are professional fighters paid to fight. Be as violent as you need to be, this is your job."

Trent Beretta defeated Dalton Castle
"Beretta wore an old “Best Friends” t-shirt with everything covered but the word “Best” and his face. And Castle had a new array of Boys with him tonight. Castle hung Beretta up on the turnbuckle, then sent him to the floor with a running knee. They fought on the apron, and Beretta drove Castle into the apron with a hanging DDT. After a split-screen break, Dalton countered a avalanche hurricanrana with a sunset flip for a near fall, and both guys hit clotheslines. Castle came back with a pair of suplexes.

The crowd was crazy behind Castle, especially for a guy who has only been on ROH for most of the last year. Castle went for his finisher, but Beretta countered with a piledriver for a near fall. The crowd told Trent he sucked, and Castle countered a tornado DDT attempt with another suplex. The fight went to the floor, and Beretta distracted referee Aubrey Edwards with a chair. This allowed him to gouge Castle’s eyes. Back in the ring, Beretta hit a running knee and locked in the gogoplata, and the ref stopped the match."
“The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith defeated JD Drake
"JD Drake has this neat spot on the floor where he sends his opponent into the ropes and when they come back on the rebound, he hits them with a forearm. In the ring, Drake hit a running kick for a near fall. Drake chopped away at Keith, but Keith came back with a shoulderblock and a bodyslam. Keith finished Drake off with a flipping stunner out of the corner to get the pinfall."
Adam Copeland cut a promo from behind a chain link fence wrapped in barbed wire. He challenged Malakai Black for Double or Nothing in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage match.

Deonna Purrazzo defeated Lady Frost
"Most of the match took place during the split-screen break. After the break, Purrazzo and Frost exchanged boots. Frost cartwheeled into a cannonball in the corner for a near fall. Purrazzo came back with a Russian leg sweep into an armbar, but Frost escaped by getting to the ropes. Frost came off the top with tornio for a near fall. Frost went to the top again, but Purrazzo tripped her up. Frost hung upside down in the corner, and Purrazzo hit her with a spear to get the pinfall. Frost looked very good and the crowd was into it, but the outcome was never in doubt. After the match, Thunder Rosa chased off Purrazzo with a steel chair. Rosa dove on a security guard to try and get to Purrazzo, but the security guard managed to hold her off."
"The Bastard" PAC defeated Johnny TV (w/ Taya Valkyrie)
"Johnny wiped his butt with a Vancouver Canucks jersey so the crowd knew who to boo. PAC attacked and went to work on TV, hitting a shotgun dropkick out of the corner. PAC hit an Asai moonsault. Johnny raked PAC’s eyes and took control. He hit a leg lariat and a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Johnny worked PAC over with a cravat for most of the commercial break. TV and Taya made out on the floor. This gave PAC the opening to come back with a series of running forearms.

Valkyrie tried to trip up PAC. PAC and Valkyrie argued on the floor, which allowed Johnny to hit PAC with a plancha. Back in the ring, Johnny missed a split legged moonsault, and PAC hit a german suplex. Johnny missed the Starship Pain, and PAC went up for the Black Arrow. But Taya distracted PAC again. PAC dodged a charge from Johnny, who crashed into Taya. PAC locked Johnny in the Brutalizer, and Johnny TV tapped out."
posted by The Pluto Gangsta
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