Top Chef: Goodbye, Wisconsin
June 6, 2024 1:10 PM - Season 21, Episode 12 - Subscribe

In this week’s Quickfire Challenge, the chefs are tasked with identifying as many ingredients as they can in a blind taste test. For the Elimination Challenge, they must create a dish that exemplifies their culinary growth throughout their time in Wisconsin. The judges are joined by returning guest judge Paul Bartolotta.
posted by Frayed Knot (8 comments total)
posted by jimw at 10:37 AM on June 7

I was worried for Dan in the quickfire, but it's hard to top raw fish.
posted by Spike Glee at 2:02 PM on June 7

23 out of 26 has to be some kind of record. Writing was kind of on the wall the whole way through after that though.

Savannah's mood board mirror really got that concept over the line, eh? Worked out well.
posted by supercres at 6:10 PM on June 7

Man I'm so bummed at how they filmed the blind taste challenge. I would have sworn that we get more insight into how people actually did instead of the montage then a surprise.
posted by Carillon at 6:51 PM on June 7

I caught on to the alphabetical order thing pretty quick but I really want to know what they used for the letter X! Also glad to see Manny finally go.
posted by Bunny Boneyology at 7:11 AM on June 9 [1 favorite]

XO sauce
posted by supercres at 11:12 AM on June 9

23 out of 26 has to be some kind of record

It is the record, according to the maintainer of Top Chef Stats in her appearance on The Dish with Kish. They also made a dish using most of the ingredients that were missed by all or most.
posted by jimw at 11:55 AM on June 9

Dan was very, very lucky this week, serving an inedible quickfire dish and a horrible dish in the elimination challenge. That raw fish saved him. But for that, Dan would have gone, for sure, as the judges seemed to agree that Manny's dish wasn't too bad overall.
posted by essexjan at 1:11 PM on June 12

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