Encounter Party: Full Moon Investigation
June 19, 2024 11:49 AM - Season 1, Episode 12 - Subscribe

On the hunt for more answers Flik, Asher, and Ulavina meet with the boring author of a popular romance novel series. Vinh, Tolo, and Dryddian investigate a secret market only accessible during a full moon.
posted by Saxon Kane (4 comments total)
I loved Dryddian's finding his way around the kitchen: the stove, offering tea to Cardabelle. The way he asked about the were-Longstriders ("They blessed by Malar?") really felt true to his background.

I figured Vinh's dad was a right honorable man, but finding out about his last deed with the sword really emphasizes it.

More party splitting, and Asher, Ulavina, and Flik end up location-hopping a bit, between the theater troupe, the bookstore, and the patriar's office. It's a nice touch how the Rotten Writing Desk comes up again. Asher's proclamations ("I love Secrets in Satin!" "We are tax-paying citizens of this great town!") are hysterical. And another theater-loving niece! Although at this point I'm getting pretty concerned about Iris, especially the way the Future's arming itself per intel from the market...

More physical props! And Tolo's bold promises of Longstrider patronage and filling in acting roles promises some fun to come. :)
posted by thataway at 10:06 PM on June 20

I wanted Dryddian to riff on the lycanthrope bit for a while, would have been funny if he'd had like 5 more euphemisms: "They like to go out for fourth meal? Got the Hairy Munchies? Moony Shine-y bitey bitey?" But speaking of the Were-Striders, that's another really interesting detail that I don't think got explored later on... While I would have loved to learn more, it's also just nice world-building: there's other stuff going on out there that's not just the Party's adventure.

For some reason, putting up subtitles for Cardabelle made me laugh so freakin hard.

Yeah, Asher's social awkwardness cracks me up, even just the way she asks people for their names is low-key aggressive! A favorite moment was Ned's reaction to her talking about her disapproval of Iris' flighty career choice in the theater -- he looked like he was about to lose it completely.

Tolo's promises were also great, and the way David reacted -- another hilarious moment. I love when the players surprise each other.

I think there's more to this Douglas Bland fellow than meets the eye...
posted by Saxon Kane at 8:41 AM on June 21

It's very important to note, that Landree Fleming is one of the more celebrated comedy and musical theatre performers / directors in Chicago. So this choice to just completely hate on her own profession took me all the way out :P
posted by neddonovan at 12:21 PM on June 21

I wanted Dryddian to riff on the lycanthrope bit for a while, would have been funny if he'd had like 5 more euphemisms: "They like to go out for fourth meal? Got the Hairy Munchies? Moony Shine-y bitey bitey?"


But speaking of the Were-Striders, that's another really interesting detail that I don't think got explored later on... While I would have loved to learn more, it's also just nice world-building: there's other stuff going on out there that's not just the Party's adventure.

I actually wonder if this might somehow tie into why they survived, among all the Longstriders? Perhaps it made them unavailable for certain missions.

I love when the players surprise each other.

Yes! It really hammers home the notice at the start of each episode, about how it's improvised and not scripted. And more of that collaborative story-building trust.

It's very important to note, that Landree Fleming is one of the more celebrated comedy and musical theatre performers / directors in Chicago.

I'm a little sad I'm far from Chicago!
posted by thataway at 9:26 PM on June 21 [1 favorite]

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