A Chinese Odyssey Part One: Pandora's Box (1995)
June 19, 2024 3:40 PM - Subscribe

The Monkey King is forced to reincarnate as a human thief named Joker. He falls in love with a powerful fairy, Pak Jing Jing, but cannot save her from death. He attempts to use the magical Pandora's Box to prevent her death, but finds himself sent 500 years into the past.

This 1995 movie stars Stephen Chow as Joker/The Monkey King and Karen Mok as Pak Jing Jing. It has an insane amount of slapstick and a lot of gorgeous cinematography. You will want to watch Part Two: Cinderella to see the other half of the story and Athena Chu's luminous performance. Available for streaming with subtitles on Netflix (but please switch to the original Cantonese dialog, as it defaults to the Mandarin dub). Also on Tubi (free with ads).
posted by jabah (1 comment total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
This is also one if the best movies ever!
posted by johnasdf at 4:47 PM on June 24, 2024

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