Interview with the Vampire: I Could Not Prevent It   Books Included 
June 23, 2024 3:31 AM - Season 2, Episode 7 - Subscribe

The trial begins.
posted by fight or flight (8 comments total)
I am protecting myself from the emotional firebomb of this episode by having a chuckle at the thought of the coven meeting where Santiago says, "We need someone to be physically present to prevent Armand from leaving. Sam, that's you."
posted by Parasite Unseen at 10:24 AM on June 24 [1 favorite]

Sam, to self: "Oh wonderful, this is the perfect moment for my Grim Reaper prop scythe."

On a more serious note: I just learned today that Rolin Jones, the showrunner, is a well-respected playwright. It made so much fall into place for me -- the gorgeous dialogue, the exacting attention to characters' shifting intentions in each moment, the love of the stage that has been apparent throughout this season especially.

This episode was really a tour de force. By the end, I was not sure who to be more angry at: manipulative Armand, narcissistic Lestat, or foolish self-aggrandizing Louis. Not one of them comes out with clean hands.

The brief interactions between Madeleine & Claudia just broke my heart.

I adored, adored, adored Santiago's costume.
posted by ourobouros at 1:27 PM on June 24

Well, that was harrowing.
posted by merriment at 1:40 PM on June 24

I’ve been waiting for ya’ll to comment first. I feel speechless and somber, even though I knew it was coming.

The animation tho. I’d watch a whole series of those animations.
posted by haplesschild at 4:12 PM on June 24

Does anyone wants to join me in lying desolate on the floor? We could maybe hold hands.
posted by merriment at 6:35 PM on June 24 [1 favorite]

Season Three confirmed!
“Resentful of the perfunctory portrayal in the trashy bestseller Interview With The Vampire, the Vampire Lestat sets his story straight in a way only the Vampire Lestat can — by starting a band and going on tour. Gabrielle. Nicholas. Magnus. Marius. Those Who Must Be Kept. They join Louis, Armand, Molloy, Sam, Raglan, Fareed and others we can’t tell you about yet on a sexy pilgrimage across space, time and trauma. No auto-tuning. No trigger warnings. All feels amplified.”
Rockstar Lestat! God, this sounds insane. I can't wait.
posted by fight or flight at 7:04 AM on June 26 [2 favorites]

I'm so, so into all of that, but Sam? SAM?!? Mr. Enduring for Guido is going to be the sole survivor of the upcoming TdV massacre? I cannot wait to see how that goes down.
posted by merriment at 1:56 PM on June 26 [2 favorites]

If Sam turns out to be an ancient in disguise it would be deeply funny, considering all of the coughing baby vs. atom bomb jokes I've seen about Armand being held back by Definitely Not Famed Playwright Samuel Beckett and his little scythe.
posted by fight or flight at 2:27 PM on June 26 [1 favorite]

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