Behind the Mask (1999)
June 28, 2024 4:04 PM - Subscribe

Dr. Bob Shushan is an overworked and absent father who runs a centre for the mentally and physically challenged. When Shushan suffers a heart attack, his life is saved by James Jones, a young patient at the center. The two men forge a friendship and help each other rekindle the father-son bond that has been missing in their lives.

Available on tubi.
posted by bunderful (1 comment total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I couldn’t find a good review for this movie. The one review on its Rotten Tomatoes profile appears to be for a different movie of the same name.

It was made for TV and maybe it just slipped into obscurity before the internet age, where everything generates an online footprint.

Based on a true story. Made me cry.
posted by bunderful at 6:09 PM on June 28

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