Evil: How to Survive a Storm
July 31, 2024 7:01 AM - Season 4, Episode 10 - Subscribe

A priest, a skeptic, and a psychiatrist (who is also a skeptic) walk into an utterly bonkers TV show. And this TV show asks: Do these people not know how to REALLY prepare for a hurricane??

*SHERYL'S DEAD, Y'ALL. And what a stupid ass way to go out. I mean, I know one would like the satisfaction of seeing your once lover/now mortal enemy dead by your hand, but she kept underestimating him. Anyway, whatevs.

* As no one in this show takes the impending then present hurricane seriously--which, as a kid who grew up on the Gulf Coast, made me twitch--all those unboarded windows made me angry.

*Leland moves in next door, tries to trick the girls (FYI: Lexis straight up sees a demon and says nothing), and fails, this triggers the Power of Friendship as Ben comes over and backs up the sewage system next door and David is angry. Like, murderin' angry.

*Oh yeah --- the remote viewing thing? Turns ole Leland was once a Friend of the Vatican and knows all their ways. Enough to turn David's remote viewing power into a "I can possess you whenever I like" power for Leland. Once again, the High Evolutionary is super pissed he had to disclose ANY useful info to David.

*Sister Andrea fighting demons in a storm. You can't phase her! She may be small but she is MIGHTY.

*Lexis very apparently not participating in the prayer circle.

* Father Ignatius over here giving excellent advice which is "God hates murder but if you are doing some murdering to protect the ones you love, maybe a lil murderin'? As a treat?" The whole Father Ignatius/Monsignor Korecki OTP thing makes me leak tears.

*Okay, I cannot and will not stop loving that one of the surefire ways to fuck with Leland is marching band music. That whole scene where David was possessed by Leland and they vanquished him with "Stars and Stripes Forever"? Evil, I love you. It even stuck in his head afterwards. I LOVE YOU, EVIL.

* The bathtub scene was sweet. As everyone finally takes the hurricane seriously--but not seriously enough to board shit up but I digress--our Holy Three doze in the bathroom with the girls and Sister Andrea. David confesses he wishes had a two lives: one for God, one for Kristen. Kristen confesses she also wishes she had two lives: both for David. (Sorry, Andy!) And an adorable dozing Ben cutely sleepily says, "What about me?" And the Power of Three agrees that yes, they all need extra lives because their friendship is the best.

*I guess a long game was being played because how do you get the bio-mom to acknowledge the Anti-Christ baby? Why get yourself arrested and have the cops show up with a carrier to ask is Demon Baby hanging with bio-mom or headed to foster care!

*I don't know if Sheryl's letters to Kristen and Andy will do anything to bring Leland down. Also, Kristen really likes using her connections in the police force, doesn't she?

*Ben Shakir does not Go Through It.

* In case you missed it, SHERYL'S DEAD, Y'ALL. Heave a sigh of relief.
posted by Kitteh (6 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
I acknowledge that when you have a literal goat demon from Hell as your therapist you're going to get diminishing returns, but man, if just the sound of big band shatters him, Leland's Hell-Goat Therapist was really bad at his job. Until he got killed and eaten, I guess.
posted by Shepherd at 7:16 AM on July 31, 2024 [3 favorites]

I love this crazy show.
posted by heathrowga at 2:04 PM on July 31, 2024 [1 favorite]

As no one in this show takes the impending then present hurricane seriously

As a new yorker who lived about 2 blocks from the East river, people were out partying during the worst of Katrina. A friend of mine actually texted me to see if I would come meet him at a bar while I was in my apartment watching cars wash down 14th street on the news. So no one taking it seriously is pretty true to my experience.

This episode they did that thing where you know a character is going to die, but who? And then goes about psyching the viewer out with a few near misses (David, Andrea) before settling on Sheryl. I hate to say it but dying is really the best thing she could do at this point as she was incapable of taking a breath and thinking before acting. So while I love Christine Lahti, the death of Sheryl is really not a loss.

I love that Ben thwarted Leland initially by backing up the septic system.

As sweet as the bathtub moment is, damn I felt for Andy. Dude was abducted and tortured and now his wife wants two lives, neither of them for him. Talk about kicking a guy when he's down!

I'm going to miss all these characters! Two weeks is not enough!
posted by miss-lapin at 2:29 PM on July 31, 2024 [2 favorites]

This is my absolute favorite show, it makes no sense and somehow owns it. Kristin keeps chugging those canned margaritas, which, why? Who knows! Doesn't matter. Nothing matters and there are DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMONS! So good. I will miss looking forward to this every week. It isn't quite The O.A. but it is definitely adjacent, and lasted a good 4 seasons.
posted by grumpybear69 at 12:26 PM on August 3, 2024 [3 favorites]

Oof I really did not like the OA and in terms of pacing this show is the opposite. This is balls to the wall chaos and that one was ohhhhhhhh so quiet and slow.
posted by miss-lapin at 4:32 PM on August 3, 2024 [1 favorite]

I absolutely loved the OA, but it was for sure a completely different beast. What I like about both shows is their willingness to just go there even if it makes no sense. Like, truly off-the-wall in a way that most shows which actively try to be quirky or whatever completely fail at.
posted by grumpybear69 at 9:27 AM on August 4, 2024

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