Evil: Fear of the Future
August 7, 2024 11:31 AM - Season 4, Episode 11 - Subscribe

A priest, a skeptic, and a psychiatrist (who is also a skeptic) walk into an utterly bonkers TV show. And this TV show asks: Is Kristen Bouchard having the worst week ever??

All right, my Evil friends, we are now at the first of the Final Four episodes and I gotta say, the Kings have a lot of loose ends to wrap up and yet they will give us more dangling plots.

*Kristen loses her husband (turns out Andy is into kinky mask sex with one of his fellow psychiatric care residents), lost her mom (meh), and before the end of this episode is over, she will have lost her job. Call the corner store; this woman needs a shipment of tiny margaritas stat!

*George, everyone's favourite night terror demon, is back! He briefly dons a Sheryl wig and snorts Sheryl's ashes.

*We meet Leland's new attorney, Mr. Stick, played by John Carroll Lynch. As Shepherd pointed out, if you are looking for an actor who can go from bumbling and dopey to psychotic and scary in an eyeblink, JCL is your man. His true form--complete with dorky pencil mustache!--was great.

*Also, still loving that Leland can't go into David's mind with hearing "Stars & Stripes Forever" LOUDLY

*For a hot minute, I really did think that the Kings were going to throw in time travel alongside everything else but turns out Ellie (Anna Chlumsky)--as welcome as it is to see her--is just another nut who really got a lot of mileage of that USB key

*Anyway, Ellie tries to kill Antichrist Baby with a poisoned onesie and when that fails, tries to smother him. Rad G's gifted tasers make short work of that attempt but Ellie escapes!

* A frustrated Ben Shakir asks David if being a priest is worth it when it's clear he and Kristen love each other. David says the world is made of broken promises and he won't break this one, even if it means he never acts on his love for Kristen.

*In David news, he is totally getting shafted to be the head of dying parish. I do appreciate how Evil demonstrates how hard it is for a Black priest to gain the respect of the CC; I get David's devotion but the CC really are trying their best to make him so lesser.

*Ellie does spill the tea about Lexis' future as the head of a demon house, along with her role in lifting up Timothy the Lil Baby Antichrist, but Lynn ain't buying it.

*Dr. Boggs is in trouble; Leland's here to collect on his end of the deal and if Boggs is having second thoughts, well...yikes.

*Ben Shakir does not Go Through It but he does offer to poison Andy. Also, hooray for Karima!

I dunno, Evil friends, what are your thoughts for our final three episodes? Can the landing be stuck?
posted by Kitteh (3 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
So first off Andy is the new Sheryl. It seems someone has to hog the idiot ball this season, and Sheryl passed the ball to Andy. I really did feel genuine empathy for him being tortured and then trying to reintegrate into the life of his wife and kids while Leland was fucking with him. To go from that to not only did I cheat but I decided to talk in detail about my wife and kids with my mistress is gross. I do understand how some of these things could have come up in group therapy sessions, but obviously the usb and other details were shared with her directly. Like dude way to COMPLETELY BETRAY EVERYTHING. There's no coming back from this.

In addition, Andy's justification for the cheating is just such sad bullshit. "It's inevitable I would feel closer to someone who isn't you" because of his trauma. Like my dude, you suffered horribly no doubt, but if that's what you thought what you do is have a very difficult conversation with your wife about separating for the duration of your treatment and then revisiting to see if the relationship is still viable afterwards OR you just admit it's time to fucking divorce. Like your wife deserves to know that you have completely abandoned any tiny little bit of commitment you feel towards her. Especially considering how much she's paying for your treatment.

I do feel like the character of Andy is the victim of a bit of facile writing. He was fairly absent early on, but when he first really entered the show seemed less like a self centered jerk than I had though, he then Goes Through It, both being abducted and tortured and then being released but still under post hypnotic control. And then suddenly he goes back to being a completely self centered jerk with not a lot of transition. I assume this is so Kristen can be completely independent of him for the ordeal is about it come and also give Evil a little bit more traction in perhaps winning her over.

Welcome Mr Stick! I am SO excited for his entrance. You absolutely nailed that John Carroll Lynch can go from bumbling to doofus to holy fucking shit terrifying in the blink of an eye. I am very excited to see what he has in store for the court and Leland.

Question: how would Ellie have the know how and resources to poison a onesie? I can't imagine that kind of thing is something you can easily figure out and then source.

All of this is to say I might actually buy some margaritas in a can for these final episodes because shit it going to get wild.
posted by miss-lapin at 1:47 PM on August 7, 2024 [4 favorites]

Also it may seem hypocritical to slam Andy when in the recent past Kristen was getting super friendly with a hedonistic dancer and told David she wanted two lives for him. I do think from behavior on both sides their marriage is over and neither really wanted to admit it. But saying sweet nothings in a bathtub during a terrifying storm is a lot different than sharing intimate details of your children's lives with your mistress who then endangers your family. True they are already in danger but that doesn't mean you just throw up your hands and hump the nearest mentally unstable person without concern for consequences.
posted by miss-lapin at 1:56 PM on August 7, 2024 [3 favorites]

Well I mean Kristen did also bang a Satanist in her car so. They're both pretty shit.

As the show winds down, I'm really wondering what they're going to do with Kristen being effectively a high-functioning alcoholic. I mean, there's zero doubt in my mind about that, and I've kind of vaguely been wondering if the show will ever get around to contending with it.

Maybe I'm overthinking it and it's just a show made by heavy drinkers featuring heavy drinkers and "she drinks her weight in canned margaritas every day" is just a fun character quirk?

But it always felt like the drinking was so OTT and emphasized that it was going to go somewhere. Then again, this is Evil, which isn't exactly the paragon of tight follow-ups on dangling plot elements... among a zillion other things, I think there's still demonic vaginal fluid that is also a universal solvent boring its way to the Earth's core as we speak.
posted by Shepherd at 1:31 PM on August 9, 2024 [2 favorites]

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