The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: Where the Stars are Strange
September 6, 2024 6:39 AM - Season 2, Episode 2 - Subscribe

Under the mountain, the aftershocks of Mount Doom's birth brings calamity and crisis to the halls of Durin, while the great Elven smith Celebrimbor finds his oath to Galadriel tested when a familiar face appears at his gate. In the east, a dark wizard rises as a threat to the Stranger, Poppy, and Nori.

Throwing up these additional posts to continue the conversation!
posted by Atreides (5 comments total)
Most of us probably watched episodes 1-3 at once, so they all kind of blur together. I will say of the three I think this one is the strongest. The dwarves were one of the best parts of Season 1, and that continues here.
posted by Alex404 at 7:37 AM on September 6 [3 favorites]

Agreed - it was good to see Durin and Disa again.
posted by jquinby at 9:47 AM on September 6 [1 favorite]

I was left wondering in this episode if Sauron didn't play a role in the light shafts collapsing versus just the aftershocks/shockwave from Mount Doom's eruption. I noticed that the poor Linden (sp?) tree also had lost it's light in Durin's and Disa's quarters. What I thought was a bit wild was the complete lack of respect for Durin by the other miners. I mean, geez, were we just a spark away from regicide and a democratic dwarf society emerging? I also instantly related to Durin wanting that big mushroom. Inflation and small budgets suck. Boo.

Celebrimbor was just too nice a guy. "It's raining, he's injured, what harm could it be..." Welp. Watching Sauron play him was both kind of exciting and sad. Poor Celebrimbor.

The dark wizard is one scene away from picking up an electric guitar and riffing away. That or he can only be defeated by freezing him inside the artwork on the side of a van.
posted by Atreides at 11:19 AM on September 6 [3 favorites]

The dark wizard is one scene away from picking up an electric guitar and riffing away.

And when he does, I think it just might sound a little something like... this.
posted by Saxon Kane at 8:51 PM on September 9 [1 favorite]

So while I was sort of rolling my eyes about the cost of the Acolyte, lord almighty every last scene here is just thick with BezosBux. But it occasionally highlights just how ridiculously well Jackson's forced perspective hobbits worked compared to whatever they're doing here. I assume also forced perspective, but without the fancy lenses?

Still, it is absolutely beautiful to behold.
posted by Kyol at 7:07 PM on September 18 [1 favorite]

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