The Good Boss (2021)
October 1, 2024 12:13 PM - Subscribe

Julio Blanco is the proprietor of a Spanish company producing industrial scales in a provincial Spanish town, which awaits the imminent visit from a committee that will decide if they merit a local Business Excellence award: everything has to be perfect when the time comes. Working against the clock, Blanco pulls out all the stops to address and resolve issues with his employees, crossing every imaginable line in the process.

Javier Bardem knocks it out of the park with his paternalistic demeanor that cloaks an all's-fair-in-businesss underside. The acting from the cast is top-notch, and Bardem's character is not some cookie-cutter capitalist. In fact, you might even sympathize. And that's the genius of the film. Social satire served on a silver platter.
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