Only Murders in the Building: Escape from Planet Klongo
October 23, 2024 4:37 PM - Season 4, Episode 9 - Subscribe

Seeking a critical clue, Charles, Oliver & Mabel must infiltrate a film set.
posted by Monday, stony Monday (19 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
That's quite a smoothie you've got here, Bev Melon.
posted by Monday, stony Monday at 4:38 PM on October 23, 2024 [2 favorites]

Hm. So, that's one of the two identified.
posted by kyrademon at 4:45 PM on October 23, 2024 [1 favorite]

All right, good call on all those who picked Marshall!

Oliver actually does know 1 celebrity!

The "we can hide behind our menus and avoid eye contact" was so sweet.
posted by jenfullmoon at 5:35 PM on October 23, 2024 [8 favorites]

I had to laugh at that scene where he mentioned getting colonoscopies together, as that is what he and Martin Short do in real life.
posted by dr_dank at 6:11 PM on October 23, 2024 [9 favorites]

If the next episode doesn't feature Hammy Faye Bakker coming to the rescue I will be exceptionally disappointed.
posted by phooky at 8:05 PM on October 23, 2024 [4 favorites]

And Gravey joining her.
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:23 PM on October 23, 2024 [2 favorites]

The bits I liked

* Oliver: Devastating that you know me so well and yet you could think that was the end of my story.

* The nurse to Glen: You had some friends come here earlier, a couple of married old men and their caretaker.

*Charles: right, Klongos. I mean, I'm sorry, but what is this movie? Are we witnessing the end of Ron Howard's career?

*The motion capture of the fight about the bachelor party

*Bev Melon: And every draft that Marshall turns in is worse than the last. It's like I can't even remember the script that I fell in love with.

I wonder how much of the last episode will be wrapping up the accomplice/second killer/other potential plot twist, and how much will be Oliver and Loretta's wedding? Though for maximum comedic potential, I could see the murder shenanigans keep popping up during the wedding.
posted by creepygirl at 9:23 PM on October 23, 2024 [7 favorites]

Hm. So, that's one of the two identified.


Unless...Marshall being a trained stuntman somehow has the physical prowess to pull off the Sazz murder on his own. BUT, we have one whole episode where a second murderer could be identified. But who? Or is it just spent around murder shenanigans like creepygirl suggests?

RIP Irish Paul Rudd.

Incidentally, we have two people wearing specialized shoes and fake facial hair in this season.

Overall, it was a good episode. We had Chekhov's Chinese Restaurant and Chekhov's Box of Beer. Oddly, I felt the scene with Molly Shannon was actually some of her best acting in the entire season.
posted by Atreides at 6:55 AM on October 24, 2024 [1 favorite]

I also agree Marshall can't be the complete answer. How would he have been involved in the "plot holes from the first season" shenanigans? He wouldn't have poisoned Oliver's dog, right? Or left the note on Jan's door? That doesn't match up with his "Sazz ruined me so I killed her" thing.
posted by BlahLaLa at 8:10 PM on October 24, 2024 [2 favorites]

I also agree Marshall can't be the complete answer. How would he have been involved in the "plot holes from the first season" shenanigans?

Do we know for sure the killer was involved in any of that or is it possible that the plot holes were an issue for Sazz because she was writing a script and wanted the script to be air tight? So both the killing and the plotholes were related to the script, but not related to each other.
posted by willnot at 1:36 PM on October 25, 2024 [5 favorites]

All I know is that Irish Paul Rudd lives on in our hearts.
Irish Oliver, too.
posted by Acari at 7:10 PM on October 25, 2024 [1 favorite]

Just caught up! The bickering motion capture aliens had me howling. (Also that's another kind of double representation -- motion capture versions of Charles and Oliver!)

I have no idea on this one. Are we even sure Sazz is actually dead? I do think she was trying to sell a script to finance her trampoline park, and that's how Bev knew about it.

Bev never consumes actual food, so of course I want her to be a murderer because it means we'll get a delightfully random confession scene fueled entirely by like tictacs and nasal spray.
posted by mochapickle at 5:50 AM on October 26, 2024 [1 favorite]

I have always thought Sazz might not be dead - she hauled herself to the compactor, fell down to the bottom -- because she's a stuntwoman, she knows how to take the fall -- turned on the incinerator and...okay here's where it gets weird (?): happened to have some extra replacement joints in her pocket so she threw them in there to provide "evidence" of her dead body.

And then it just turns out to be a coincidence that Griffin Dunne's dead body was already in there, burned up but with *his* replacement joint(s) in there too.
posted by BlahLaLa at 12:09 PM on October 26, 2024 [4 favorites]

And it's morbid to say, but that box of ashes Detective Williams gave Charles in episode 6 was only big enough for the remains of one person. If the Westies are telling the truth about Dudenoff, those ashes would be his. Did the furnace only turn on just that one time?
posted by mochapickle at 1:27 PM on October 26, 2024 [2 favorites]

Sazz faking her death (while also recovering from a gun wound) so as to expose the real killer and "tap in" to do so in the final episode would be....a kind of Sazz thing to do.

Mochapickle, I appreciate that you're here to tell us that either the producers of the show have it wrong in terms of how much cremated human remains can fit in a box of that size, or that you've pointed out a significant clue to Sazz's continued living existence.
posted by Atreides at 8:10 AM on October 28, 2024 [2 favorites]

I want Sazz to be alive too but then, wouldn't there not be a *murder* in the *building*??
I was hoping that Dudenoff had been actually murdered so that he would be the substitute to keep the whole theme going, but alas not.

okay here's where it gets weird (?): happened to have some extra replacement joints in her pocket so she threw them in there to provide "evidence" of her dead body.

Alternately: She never put any replacement joints in there. Those all belong to Dudenoff. Sure, one is Bulgarian but Dudenoff was getting spare parts from the same place Sazz was.

We *only* have the joints to prove that was Sazz's dead body in there unless I missed something where the police positively identified the remains as those of Sazz & Dudenoff.
posted by vacapinta at 11:56 AM on October 28, 2024 [2 favorites]

Wasn't there two right (or two left) side artificial joints so it had to be two people?
posted by fimbulvetr at 12:56 PM on October 28, 2024 [2 favorites]

That's the premise for the discovery of Dudenhoff's body/fate. The good desperate ship that Sazz is alive would be premised that she threw the number of artificial joints required to indicate she had died into the incinerator to join the ones that were already there following his farewell to the ham fam.

I want Sazz to be alive too but then, wouldn't there not be a *murder* in the *building*??

Weddings can get crazy, tho'.

But this is the more rational and realistic breakdown. Best bet is we get some sincere farewell message from Sazz filmed in case she died, because despite being a professional, she never knew when something might go flipside during a stunt. It'll be sentimental, a bit light on the aspect of death, and encouraging Charles to push his boundaries - like putting a book out of alphabetical order.
posted by Atreides at 1:47 PM on October 28, 2024 [2 favorites]

After the silliness of the recent three episodes, it was a nice change of pace to get a really plotty one. I'm assuming that the final episode will have twists and turns galore.

I'm actually somewhat happy that I couldn't watch this episode last week, because otherwise I'd be done with the season today. It's too long until another season.
posted by Kattullus at 6:35 AM on October 29, 2024 [1 favorite]

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