Anora (2024)
November 13, 2024 4:22 PM - Subscribe

Anora, a young exotic dancer and sex worker, meets and accepts the marriage proposal of the hard-partying son of a Russian oligarch. Once the news hits the tabloids, Anora's fairytale is threatened as enforcers are dispatched to take control of the situation before his parents arrive in New York to undo what's been done.
posted by AzraelBrown (10 comments total)
I saw this recently and can see why it won awards; it is not really the film you expect, what with the stereotypical characters -- sex worker, spoiled rich kid, Russian oligarchs, burly henchmen -- and it takes its time just following these people trying to navigate the messed up situation they're in. There's a lot of funny parts, but they're played straight, situationally funny, but with a little slapstick thrown in. There's a lot of sex and boobs, for those who would be bothered. I mean, like, a lot, not hidden behind set pieces or soft focus. I really enjoyed it, one of my top movies of the year.
posted by AzraelBrown at 4:27 PM on November 13, 2024

I saw this at an open caption screening, but it seemed like at least half of the captions were actually subtitles because the characters were speaking Russian so just a heads up because I don't see it mentioned elsewhere.
posted by channaher at 7:28 PM on November 13, 2024

You are correct, there's a bunch of non-English in the film with subtitles, both Russian and Armenian.
posted by AzraelBrown at 6:39 AM on November 14, 2024

I love when a movie can genre-bend between really sad drama, fun cinderella-story romance, and dark comedy. Mikey Madison is excellent but the kid who played Vanya was hysterical - just this wiry, fidgety, bouncy little thing encompassing all of the body language of a hyper little child, which he pretty much was.

Also did anyone else notice what seemed to be a direct homage to Pretty Woman, when they were negotiating and settled on her price for the week ("I would have done it for X dollars" "I would have paid you Y")?
posted by windbox at 8:13 AM on November 14, 2024 [2 favorites]

I watch everything with subtitles so I didn’t even notice!
posted by jeoc at 8:10 AM on November 16, 2024 [1 favorite]

Thought this was fantastic, the ending was note-perfect, the performances were glorious. The living room scene with the three fixers and Ani was an excellent mix of sheer dread and very funny.
posted by Cpt. The Mango at 8:59 AM on November 19, 2024 [4 favorites]

I really liked this one as well. I thought it was deftly done all around, I really really appreciated that while she's in danger and trouble, it never got to the point where you were actively afraid for her physical safety. The real danger was her to own emotional stability. She thought her and Ivan were in this together, maybe not in love, but own each other's side. I appreciated that it showed her slowly beginning to understand that and being disappointed.
posted by Carillon at 11:31 PM on November 26, 2024 [1 favorite]

I feel like this was not quite Palme d'Or quality, but certainly very entertaining.

Also a great example of a film with a ton of nudity and sex used effectively for setting and character.
posted by praemunire at 5:48 PM on January 5 [1 favorite]

Mikey Madison is everything and I love her here.

Mark Eydelshteyn's Ivan is such an idiotic sweetheart.

I felt this way the way I've felt about most of Sean Baker's movies (I haven't finished all of them). He has a good idea but he can't sustain it (like, this did not need to be 2.5 hours long). He also has a weird "white straight male savoir" thing happening in his movies that kind of puts me off.

I didn't hate it but I was less impressed than I was led to believe I was going to be. However, I agree with everyone that Madison is a standout. I kept watching for her.
posted by edencosmic at 4:33 PM on January 18

Was waiting for the one fixer from head trauma and glad that never happened.

Thought this movie was exceptional and the end broke the tension so brilliantly without fixing anything at all. Also thought it was hilarious.
posted by sibboleth at 10:11 AM on January 20

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