Tune in Tomorrow... (1990)
March 19, 2025 5:54 PM - Subscribe

New Orleans, 1951: A law student, working at WXBU radio station, falls in love with his cute aunt, who's looking for a third husband. Then Pedro starts writing radio series at WXBU, stirring up things.

A charming mood piece, with a lively Wynton Marsalis score, the always captivating Barbara Hershey, and lunatic humor from Peter Falk.
posted by Lemkin (2 comments total)
I've been wanting to rewatch this for forever, stubbornly unavailable in any format I can access in Australia. Released here as “Aunt Julia and The Scriptwriter”, part of the lost era where we’d get alternative versions of films for pedantic reasons I could never understand (yes I know it’s the title of the original novel but it’s still clunky and an odd choice).

I remember it as a fun throwback romp, with Keanu as his most earnest and beautiful young self. Does it still hold up?
posted by arha at 5:45 AM on March 20 [1 favorite]

interestingly enough, when you complain about "those damn Albanians," in a conversation, almost nobody gets the reference. This is one of those movies that I have to work hard to get people to watch, and then they become advocates for it themselves.
posted by jkosmicki at 2:34 PM on March 21 [1 favorite]

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