Concrete Revolutio: Go Beyond the Sky and Stars
November 15, 2015 6:47 PM - Season 1, Episode 7 - Subscribe

Emi and Ullr talk shop at a bar while Earth-chan, the Sputnik-like superhero, races past their window to confront Judas, a superhuman recently released from prison. Judas is at that moment meeting Kikko, assigned with bringing him to the Superhuman Bureau's office. Kikko's next assignment is to open discussions with the seemingly temperamental Earth-chan.

Following the previous comedy-relief episode, this one is pretty dense and rewards rewatching at least the first half to get an understanding of why the second half turned out the way it did.
posted by ardgedee (4 comments total)
Among the unresolved questions: If Kachoudo, the cafe where Kikko and Jiro meet Judas, is the safe haven for supers, then where were Ullr and Emi drinking?
posted by ardgedee at 7:18 PM on November 15, 2015

We got an indication of Kikko's Dark Secret - she may not be the cute and innocent magical girl she appears to be, but a darker entity. Emi and Ullr's conversation hint that Kikko is a being similar to a devil, with whom humans unknowingly enter into a contract giving up their souls.

And the way that Kikko interacted with Earth-chan made me think of the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

This episode ended on a melancholy note for me, until we got the post-ending song scene with Jiro, Judas, and Megasshin breaking into a lab to bust out the dormant Earth-chan.
posted by needled at 2:56 PM on November 16, 2015

If Kachoudo, the cafe where Kikko and Jiro meet Judas, is the safe haven for supers, then where were Ullr and Emi drinking?

The bartender with Emi/Ullr had some strange red markings and foxlike hair ears. Probably a bar for supernaturals? I did feel like Ullr resembles a cross between a teletubby and a Behelit.

Also, the world leaders are convening on what appears to be a helicopter sky fortress.
posted by pwnguin at 11:36 PM on November 16, 2015

The episode wasn't all dark and dense, there was the Time Bokan shoutout with the Diamond Eaters gang - remember the Time Skeletons from Time Bokan, the comic relief villainous trio in search of "Dynamonds"?
posted by needled at 4:20 AM on November 17, 2015

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