Project Runway All Stars: A Little Bit Country, A Little Bit Rock N Roll
February 25, 2016 11:07 PM - Season 5, Episode 3 - Subscribe

Country music super group "Little Big Town" team up the designers to create "opposites attract" red carpet gowns for the Academy of Country Music Awards.

Team Challenge! Last week's winner Sam gets to chose the pairings and predictably, he picks the best for himself, Kini and saves the worst for the last: Mitchell and Daniel. The rest, Asha and Alexander, Layana and Emily, Dom and Ken work well together but Stella and Valerie hit the rocks early on.

Winners (to the surprise of no one): Asha and Alexander over Sam and Kini

Losers: Mitchell and Daniel over Stella and Valerie, Daniel is auf'd.

EW recap
posted by TWinbrook8 (5 comments total)
Just because Kini can sew doesn't make him a good designer. I think he's a one-way monkey with just a few ideas he keeps recycling. His limitations are becoming very obvious with every week that passes.

I was so delighted to see Alexander and Asha win. I really like Alexander, despite his temper in his previous season. Both their outfits were gorgeous and completely met the brief.

Stella was so, so lucky. That dress looked like it'd been sewn with a knife and fork. Hideous. But Valerie's dress was lovely, I thought, and saved the pair of them.

Daniel looked stoned on the runway, particularly when he was auf'd and he didn't get that it was him who was going home. Mitchell is running out of people who are worse than him (I still can't believe Fade went home before him) and I think he'll be lucky to survive next week's unconventional challenge, as he's lost if he can't use chiffon.

It was nice to see Swatch too. Next time I'm in NYC I think I'll visit Mood just to see him.
posted by essexjan at 2:08 PM on February 26, 2016

posted by amtho at 7:11 PM on February 26, 2016 [5 favorites]

I think Kini is great. In ten hours or less you're not going to reinvent the wheel, but he does manage to use his skills well. He was also smart to play it sweetly and not bring up the fact he made 75% of Sam's outfit. But I am skeptical of the narrative they tried to sell about it. Even though I don't care much for Sam, he'd have to be really foolish not to give some credit to Kini. I mean, it's all on camera so it's not a secret.
posted by Glinn at 7:18 PM on February 26, 2016

I am gobsmacked that the judges were able to come up with favorable comments regarding Mitchell's gown. Georgina Chapman was complimenting his "vision" or some drivel. Daubs of feathers and dingy-bra-colored-tulle. I think they both should've gone home.

The winning looks were the best choice but I also loved Valerie's white blouson gown with the lace pockets (okay they weren't pockets) but it didn't fit the design parameters. Also loved Dom's dress, but what red carpet were she and Ken thinking of? Kini's Sam's windowpane check pants and fooffy top were lovely but again, wrong challenge. Kini's, didn't like that the chiffon overlay gave the model sad boobs but the whole can't-wear-it-cuz-people'll-think-ah'm-fat comment was derisory.

Here are all the final looks. Yes, Stella's model is showing the good china.
posted by TWinbrook8 at 3:25 AM on February 27, 2016 [1 favorite]

It looked like Asha and Alexander were the only team to think about the women themselves in addition to the challenge. Everyone else was so literal-minded about an opposite theme (some even ignoring that it was for a red carpet and a country red carpet at that). It was a cakewalk to the win.

I find Kini a little boring, often, and stuck in his rut, but he's smart and rarely puts out something horrifying. I will also always be sympathetic to the trap of doing your comrade's work while he takes all the credit.
posted by julen at 3:30 AM on February 27, 2016 [1 favorite]

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