Justified: The Moonshine War   First Watch 
March 9, 2016 7:45 AM - Season 2, Episode 1 - Subscribe

Picking up where the finale left off, Raylan tracks Boyd down, and seemingly puts his Miami problems to rest. However, the void left by the Crowder clan in Harlan is looking to be filled by the ruthless Bennett clan, headed by Mags Bennett (Margo Martindale), who has a contentious history with Raylan's family.

Co-written by Elmore Leonard, directed by Adam Arkin.

AV Club review.

"Never trust a man with three first names."
posted by ubiquity (7 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
This might be not only my favorite season of Justified, but quite possibly my favorite season of any television drama ever. Everything about this season works, and I want Margo Martindale to be awarded an Emmy every year for the rest of her life for this one season's portrayal of Mags Bennett.
posted by Parasite Unseen at 8:04 AM on March 9, 2016 [9 favorites]

The Bennett clan is phenomenal. This season is such a powerhouse follow up to the first. I don't think there has ever been a show that has had villains more compelling than Mags Bennett and Boyd Crowder.
posted by MoonOrb at 8:46 AM on March 9, 2016 [2 favorites]

I actually started watching the show at Season 2 without actually realizing it (I think I added it to my netflix dvd queue in the wrong order) and then later on went back to Season 1 and was very confused. Season 2 is just sooo good though. I love the entire series, but nothing quite topped Season 2 for me. Just fantastic in every way.
posted by Green With You at 9:44 AM on March 9, 2016

This was a stand out season. Mags is unlike most female villains on television...
posted by Alexandra Kitty at 9:55 AM on March 9, 2016

This might be not only my favorite season of Justified, but quite possibly my favorite season of any television drama ever.

I concur. This whole season is so perfectly wrought, beautiful, and nuanced that it's almost painful. I remember being transfixed by some moments or whole episodes in a way that felt like being suspended in amber.
posted by FelliniBlank at 7:43 PM on March 9, 2016 [1 favorite]

Mags is unlike most female villains on television...

That's like saying The Godfather is one of the best mob movies of the '70s. What Margo Martindale and the writers did was create one of the all-time great characters of story.
posted by Etrigan at 7:14 AM on March 10, 2016 [2 favorites]

It's a small thing, but Rachel's wink to James Earl Dean while she has her gun pointed at him is so great. You can just tell she's a bad ass.
posted by ODiV at 1:39 PM on April 3, 2016

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