Bosch: Victim of the Night
April 13, 2016 7:53 AM - Season 2, Episode 3 - Subscribe

Bosch arrives in Las Vegas, has adventures at a strip club. Eleanor is being erratic. Deputy Chief Irving chooses a side in the mayoral race. His son is not sure he's getting anywhere with his undercover assignment.
posted by ubiquity (1 comment total)
This is the most recent post so I’m going to comment here. I’ve read a lot of the books but so long ago I’ve forgotten the details and then I got tired of police procedurals so I was never interested in watching this series and also vaguely thought Titus Welliver was wrong for the part. But now that I’m watching it (free with commercials on FreeVee), I really enjoy it. I like the relationship between Bosch and J Edgar, Crate and Barrel (were they in the books? I don’t remember). I’m sorry Kiz was written out after the first season. Really like the late Lance Reddick as Irving (but also wasn’t that character a dick in the books?). Was less interested in the storyline involving his son but the denouement was effective. I’m tentatively hopeful that the ex-wife Eleanor… remains…as a character because her profiling talent is useful but not in the ridiculous “perp is between the ages of 28 and 40, unmarried, lives alone in a rural area” way. My favorite part is how very LA this series is, “best burrito”, “best milkshake”, etc and also they nailed Bosch’s house. Stunning.
posted by TWinbrook8 at 1:33 PM on June 27, 2024

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