Farscape: We're So Screwed (Part 1): Fetal Attraction   Rewatch 
June 11, 2016 8:38 AM - Season 4, Episode 19 - Subscribe

Moya's crew infiltrate a Scarran outpost in an effort to rescue Aeryn. Things don't go as planned, however, when Noranti deliberately releases a deadly plague.[via]
posted by cshenk (3 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Scorpy does such a great job of making you think he's just unbeatable, until he gets his butt kicked around like a rag doll. I like that about Scorpy.

Rygel wins the quote contest with, "Welcome to Moya!"

Noranti...when the last time we had a character express grief about killing? Or have we had an incident where innocents really were killed in the 'crossfire'?

For some reason, I thought I'd imagined a different end for the Sebacian collaborator....so I completely didn't see her end coming the way it did.

We're almost to the end!
posted by Atreides at 6:57 AM on June 14, 2016

Last of the three-part episodes. : ( Lots of John and Aeryn mushiness at the end, so I like this one. I think it's funny when John is telling the truth to the Scarran, but it also backs up his cover story:

Jenek: Why the deception?
John: Cos - horny! Looking for a Sebacean woman.
Vreena: You attacked me and attempted to release one of the patients. (John chokes under the probe)
John: No offense but - she's sexier than you are.
Jenek: What would you have done had you gotten her?
John: Taken her back to my ship. Frelled her. Made babies.
posted by cshenk at 10:26 PM on June 14, 2016 [1 favorite]

We get two examples of how to survive Scarran interrogation in this and the last episode: A) tell the truth, but not the full truth and B) Construct a lie around the truth - which is a bit harder, apparently, to hold up under.

I like how Scorpius was, "ZOMG, MY TRAINING IDEA, IT WORKED!!!!" And John's response, "Huh, oh heck, no, I did my own thing. Kthnx."
posted by Atreides at 9:01 AM on June 15, 2016

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