My Brother, My Brother And Me: MBMBaM 325: Cavemen Tears
October 19, 2016 1:23 PM - Subscribe

This episode of My Brother, My Brother and Me is so dang educational, you will feel like you just completed a full two year college-level program by the time we reach the Final Yahoo. Listen with a hungry mind, but also, with a thirsty soul.   Suggested talking points: Baby Blasting', Wrong Name Grift, Dave Bond, Please Stop Bathroom Pranking, The Invention of Crying, The Worst Backyard
posted by drezdn (1 comment total)
Both Justin and Griffin apologised on Twitter for different name-related issues: Justin about saying names didn't really matter to him and Griffin about saying a Kristin couldn't have a deep voice. It's great that they apologized! People say wrong stuff sometimes and owning up to your carelessness is important. I'd seen the apologies before I listened to the episode, though, and that meant my attention was really focused on hearing why they needed to apologize.

Outside of that, this episode didn't really do it for me. They seemed tired, which is completely understandable given the schedule they'd been keeping in September for the TV show.
posted by minsies at 6:56 PM on October 22, 2016

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