Legends of Tomorrow: Outlaw Country
November 18, 2016 4:42 AM - Season 2, Episode 6 - Subscribe

The Legends travel to the Old West and learn Jonah Hex is in trouble with his arch-nemesis Quentin Turnbull, who wants to conquer the West and make it his own lawless territory.
posted by oh yeah! (14 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I reviewed several episodes last season and was really taken by how well they danced around DC continuity, how invested I was in the characters and the story they were telling about the Time Masters and Rip, and how well developed the rest of the crew was. The actors clearly enjoyed their jobs and their co-workers, and the writers did a good job mixing and matching the ensemble so everyone got a chance to play off against someone else.

Are people going back in time and tinkering with our reality too?
posted by Bulgaroktonos at 5:46 AM on November 18, 2016 [2 favorites]

This was painful :/
Their last time in the wild west was at least fun, they were aware they were making a cheesy western episode... this was just bad.
posted by FallowKing at 6:52 AM on November 18, 2016

I really hate the Jonah Hex scar make-up -- that strand of flesh at the corner of his mouth seems so blatantly pasted on, I just find it distractingly fake.

I liked the Mick/Amaya pairing -- I mean, Mick + anyone is generally reliable entertainment, but it's a more interesting plot for Amaya than the foreshadowed Nate/Amaya romance.
posted by oh yeah! at 7:43 AM on November 18, 2016 [2 favorites]

I liked the Mick/Amaya pairing -- I mean, Mick + anyone is generally reliable entertainment, but it's a more interesting plot for Amaya than the foreshadowed Nate/Amaya romance.

Yeah Nick and Amaya was my favorite part of this episode; I hope they keep that dynamic up. I kind of hate everything about Jonah Hex in this, so I'm resigning myself to being annoyed by probably one episode per year. With that said, this episode was fine, they got some decent comedy out of Nick and Ray, a decent bar fight, I'm not asking for much, so I was happy under the circumstances.
posted by Bulgaroktonos at 8:56 AM on November 18, 2016

Hmm. Mixed bag.

* Jonah Hex is supposed to be an asshole, (I think), but I didn't enjoy the misogyny. I'd expect someone familiar with time travel to be a little more... just a little more than that.

* I wish they'd stop shillling Nick. Nick's only saving grace is that he isn't as bad as Rip, but all this time spent on his hero's journey is wasted on me. The best he's managed since his introduction is 'only regular annoying instead of kill-me-now.' If he were, like, a precocious 16 year old, I'd be on board, but he's supposed to be a grown man, and so his shenanigans are embarrassing. (Routh has the necessary charisma to pull that whole thing off better, and is presently mostly being wasted.)

* Mick/Amaya was a great pairing. I'd rather those two continue to hit it off than, as mentioned above, the horrible and telegraphed Nick/Amaya romance.

* Mick getting along with Turnbill was the highlight of the episode for me.

* Sarah continues to be a great leader, and the team is actually beginning to function with her in charge, so that's good.

* Palmer needs his suit back, sooner rather than later. I hope the dwarf star alloy heist was a prelude to that.

* Jax and Stein need to stop keeping secrets, ASAP. If they had any idea about Barry Allen's judgment, they'd be rushing to do the opposite of whatever he advised.
posted by mordax at 12:28 PM on November 18, 2016 [4 favorites]

I really hate to admit it but seeing the dwarf star ore made me so, so happy. I mean if we can get Ray back as the Atom (and as a more traditional, non-power suited Atom) then maybe we'll have to spend less time with Nate. Okay, admittedly he was less awful than in past episodes, but I still have no affection for the character, and as I've said before, I want the special effects budget spent on more Firestorm and not wasted on so much Steel. Also that suit looked really derivative of Captain America. I'm not sure if it was the muted colours or the colour placement or what, but Ray needs to up his design skills.

I guess I'm the only one who didn't like The Mick and Amaya pairing. She seemed so condescending to Mick. And I don't think he really needs anybody to teach him about controlling the animal (what a heavy handed metaphor). He has been doing just fine by himself, developing his teammate characteristics and becoming more comfortable socializing with the good guys.

At least it looks like my speculations last episode about whether Martin's changes to his past are going to have repercussions, so I'm satisfied that this show is finally starting to follow its own internal logic (I don't think that's the correct word but it's the closest I've got tonight).

Hex's characterization seemed different than it did last time we saw him. I don't know if it was forced to bring up this whole lady in charge dynamic or if he just didn't have Rip to play against. I wouldn't mind seeing him again (even with the terrible make-up) just to give his character a chance to revert back or settle into something else.

I still think Amaya is too at ease with 21st century clothes and attitudes. It's one thing to fit in. It's another thing to completely ignore everything you've ever been taught, felt, experienced, etc. I really would have liked to see more of the juxtaposition between how she as a woman from the 1940s acted versus how she sees her modern teammate acting versus how she thinks she should act. It's a real missed opportunity.

I know this is a stupid time-travel show that doesn't have to make sense, but how did the team find the horses as soon as they landed?

So next week is crossover week. As much as I really want this to be good, I have a dreaded suspicions it's not going to be. Oh, well--fingers crossed.
posted by sardonyx at 7:10 PM on November 18, 2016 [2 favorites]

Oh, and one more minor quibble. What is with the DCCW shows repeating names across the properties? Seriously, did we need another Quentin in this universe? We couldn't get an Ambrose or a Jeremiah or something?
posted by sardonyx at 8:52 PM on November 18, 2016

So next week is crossover week. As much as I really want this to be good, I have a dreaded suspicions it's not going to be. Oh, well--fingers crossed.

Week after next - we've got a new Supergirl & Flash next week, but no Arrow or Legends because of the holiday.
posted by oh yeah! at 5:05 AM on November 19, 2016

So.... Jonah let Turnbull live.... Why?
He was wanted dead or alive. I assume once he gets to a jail he'll be promptly hanged.
posted by FallowKing at 5:59 AM on November 19, 2016

You Americans with your holidays and your elections, you're ruining the TV schedule!
posted by sardonyx at 10:31 AM on November 19, 2016

I second the grossed out/distraction/lockjaw factor of the Hex makeup. That is weird.

Mick and Turnbull was amusing. Ever notice how Mick turns on someone when he starts to like them?

Sara as leader is awesome.

Amaya always seems so modern to me, I keep forgetting she's from the 40's.
posted by jenfullmoon at 5:27 PM on November 19, 2016 [2 favorites]

What is with the DCCW shows repeating names across the properties?

These characters all came from the comics. So they're just trying to stick to that, I'm guessing.
posted by numaner at 6:50 PM on November 22, 2016

I'm finally caught up since episode 13 of last season (coincidentally the last Wild West episode). This season is definitely more... cohesive than the last one, with much less character-assassinating-stupidity. Now I can watch the crossover next week with no worries that I missed something.

I'm waiting on Amaya to be like "wtf are you guys doing let's go find that speedster".
posted by numaner at 6:55 PM on November 22, 2016

These characters all came from the comics. So they're just trying to stick to that, I'm guessing.
posted by numaner at 6:50 PM on November 22

I don't remember Dinah Drake Lance's father's name from the comics but I don't think it was Quentin. And since she was married to Larry, that makes him Dinah Lance's father, so there is no Quentin in the Black Canary family tree outside of the DCCW universe. (I'm not up enough on the current, post-new-52-version, where names and histories have undergone alterations. I think I've only read one or two Rebirth-era books with Canary.)

And while I'm not up on all my DC Western heroes lore (although I'd be happy to see Bat Lash show up next time they pop in to visit with Hex) I doubt this week's bad guy Quentin originates on the four-colour pages (although I'm happy to stand corrected).

Other duplicate names I can forgive because of exactly what you said: they're established characters. Although if they can swap Curtis in for Michael (Holt in Arrow) and rebrand Black Canary as first Sara and then Laurel instead of Dinah, they can't be too wedded to strictly following the canon.
posted by sardonyx at 1:07 PM on November 23, 2016

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