Supergirl: Exodus
March 6, 2017 6:51 PM - Season 2, Episode 15 - Subscribe

As Alex searches for Jeremiah and Kara investigates a series of alien kidnappings, the sisters realize they must break the rules to foil a new Cadmus plot.
posted by oh yeah! (13 comments total)
Normally I wait to post the CW DC shows until more recaps are up to link to, but, this was too fantastic. Sisterhood! Supergirl catching Lena off a building! Relevant politics! And just when I started internally grumping about ending with Mon-El (granted he was fairly inoffensive this week, but it's going to take more than potstickers for me to ship for him), the Teri Hatcher/Kevin Sorbo reveal to boost the excitement back up! So happy with this episode, a real return to form.
posted by oh yeah! at 7:01 PM on March 6, 2017

Excellent episode. I cried with the scene with Alex in the ship and Kara trying to slow down/stop the ship. This is the show I fell in love with.

I've enjoyed a lot about Season 2, but I haven't enjoyed how strong women characters have lost screen time in favour of Mon-El. I've especially missed the Danvers Sisters together.

Lillian's saying that Jeremiah is all the Superman they need made me giggle like I was 15 again and watching Lois & Clark. Kara's cape flip early in the episode was certainly a hat-tip to Cain's Superman. I wouldn't be surprised if the bit where Kara saves Lena wasn't some kind of throwback to a Lois & Clark rescue, too.

Loved it. So glad my show is back.
posted by juliebug at 10:30 PM on March 6, 2017 [2 favorites]

"Thanks, Exposition Man. ... Seriously, is his name short for Mon-L-Log?" -- my spouse, easily winning last night's Supergirl MSTing
posted by Etrigan at 3:33 AM on March 7, 2017 [3 favorites]

So, Kara's relationship with Mon-El was instrumental in her getting fired.

Is nobody else noticing this?
posted by amtho at 5:18 AM on March 7, 2017

Not sure what to make of the firing subplot yet -- I mean, it gave us Snapper Carr's great "a fascist for President" speech, but it was pretty contrived/straw man-ish to make Kara's blog her only option to get the news out. As if Supergirl couldn't just call a press conference to get the word out and fly away from follow up questions. Or call on President Lynda Carter and ask her to make an announcement. Did they write it this way so they can ditch CatCo entirely, or is this an obstacle for Kara to overcome?
posted by oh yeah! at 7:35 AM on March 7, 2017 [2 favorites]

So, Kara's relationship with Mon-El was instrumental in her getting fired.

Nah. I mean, you could just as easily blame Lena Luthor for giving her the idea, but in this rare case, I think this was all Kara - she made a deliberate sacrifice, and it was up to her to do it this way instead of some other way that wouldn't cost her her job. (I think 'press conference as Supergirl' would've been a lot smarter, as oh yeah! points out. Lena couldn't suggest that since she doesn't know they're the same person.)

Did they write it this way so they can ditch CatCo entirely, or is this an obstacle for Kara to overcome?

I'm betting 'obstacle.'

This episode was a lot better, much more why I tune in. The only complaint I had was that Alex really was out of line - she's pretty casually violent in a lot of situations where it won't help. Beating the crap out of a suspect isn't okay, and I wish the show wouldn't let her off the hook for it so easily.

Apart from that, good stuff. Mon-El was toned down sufficiently, though I'd still prefer he was dumped. James was no longer MIA. The stuff with Maggie was great. Winn/Lyra was pretty great - loved the discussion of the Bene Gesserit. I love when the show remembers that Kara and Alex are the core of the story and give them center stage this way.

I even wondered if they might not let the ship *go*, forcing a space adventure later, so the scene with Supergirl slowing it down had dramatic tension for me.

If they keep up this level of quality, I'll be happy with the show.
posted by mordax at 8:01 AM on March 7, 2017 [1 favorite]

I miss Cat Grant.
posted by 80 Cats in a Dog Suit at 10:43 AM on March 7, 2017 [6 favorites]

I miss Cat Grant.

I was amazed when I realized a coupla episodes back how much I missed her, because I've never been a big fan of Calista Flockhart, and that speech about why Supergirl annoys me anew every time I think of it. But she was so much better a workplace foil than Snapper Carr is, and I love Ian Gomez.
posted by Etrigan at 10:47 AM on March 7, 2017 [1 favorite]

agree with everything here. although the next episode will totally be all about Mon-El the prince and we'll get all annoyed again.
posted by numaner at 2:59 PM on March 7, 2017

agree with everything here. although the next episode will totally be all about Mon-El the prince and we'll get all annoyed again.

There is that. Also, Kevin Sorbo is so punchable that I can't enjoy watching him act anymore.

Well, there's a downer.
posted by mordax at 1:16 AM on March 8, 2017 [1 favorite]

There is some primal, urgent longing deep within my twisted psyche that gets great, delicious satisfaction from watching Agent Alex Danvers get herself riled up with righteous anger and kicking bad guys twice her size in the face and/or nuts. She is helping fill the Buffy shaped hole in my heart.
posted by pjsky at 2:35 PM on March 8, 2017 [1 favorite]

If there's no Cat, I don't think I give a shit about CatCo any more. It does kinda seem like they're writing it out, and maybe that's all for the best because I don't care about Snapper (stupid name anyway) either and nobody else in the cast seems to even be there any more.

If we have to blame someone other than Kara for blobbing, it really should be Lena. Mon-El's trying to be supportive but really doesn't have any idea what he's supporting her in or the consequences. Lena definitely knew. Though it did crack me up when she was delivering that dialogue, kinda like "Hey, did you know there's this thing called the Internet?"

I love the political timing of this show.
posted by jenfullmoon at 7:28 AM on March 10, 2017

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