
Hi-Phi Nation

Hi-Phi Nation is the first story-driven, narrative podcast on contemporary philosophy. Every week we begin with compelling stories of ordinary and extraordinary human experiences, and transform them into an examination of philosophical ideas. We profile stories from war, crime, politics, religion, public health and policy, science, and history that raise philosophical questions, and we answer them with the help of contemporary academic philosophers. The aim of the show is to bring fans of the best narrative, story-driven podcasts like Invisibilia, Radiolab, 99% Invisible, and This American Life into philosophy. The show is completely independently produced by Barry Lam, Professor at Vassar College and Duke University.


Podcast: Hi-Phi Nation: The Forever War

This year will mark the 18th anniversary of the war in Afghanistan, the forever war... We take a retrospective of the entire war, from the forgotten events of the lead-up to its total financial and moral costs to date. [more inside]
posted by latkes on Apr 11, 2019 at 9:06 PM - 1 comment

Podcast: Hi-Phi Nation: Soldier Philosophers Part 1: Moral Exploitation

When one Army soldier discovered the propagation of torture tactics during the Iraq war, he engaged in a one-man mission inside the organization to learn about their origins, and the effect they had on lower-level soldiers who were implementing them... On this episode, we look at the side-effects of moral decision-making on the soldiers who are asked to carry-out a President's orders. Guest voices include Michael Robillard and Ian Fishback. [more inside]
posted by latkes on Feb 4, 2017 at 3:17 PM - 0 comments