3 posts tagged with KillerRobots.
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Movie: M3gan
Brilliant toy-company roboticist Gemma (Get Out's Allison Williams) suddenly becomes the caretaker of her orphaned 8-year-old niece, Cady (Violet McGraw, The Haunting of Hill House). Unsure and unprepared to be a parent, and under intense pressure at work, Gemma decides to pair M3GAN, her new AI-powered doll/companion prototype with Cady in an attempt to resolve both problems--a decision that will have unimaginable consequences. [more inside]
Movie: Runaway
In the near future, a police officer (Tom Selleck) specializes in malfunctioning robots. When a robot turns out to have been programmed to kill, he begins to uncover a homicidal plot to create killer robots... and his son becomes a target. Written and directed by Michael Crichton. [more inside]
Movie: Futureworld
Two years after Westworld (FanFare), the Delos corporation have reopened the park. Newspaper reporter Chuck Browning (Peter Fonda) and TV reporter Tracy Ballard (Blythe Danner) are invited to review the newly re-opened (and expanded) park, though Chuck has an ulterior motive. [more inside]