782 posts tagged with ScienceFiction.
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Ascent Rewatch Season 5, Ep 9
If Quark and Odo are to survive, they'll have to depend on each other as they climb... into thin air. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Let He Who Is Without Sin... Rewatch Season 5, Ep 7
Some of the crew are taking some R&R on the planet that's the Club Med of the Alpha Quadrant. What could possibly go wrong? Risa, meet Worf. [more inside]
Movie: Capricorn One
A NASA Mars mission won't work, and its funding is endangered, so they decide to fake it just this once. But then they have to keep the secret... [more inside]
SGU Stargate Universe: Air (Part 3) Rewatch Season 1, Ep 3
With the air supply failing on Destiny, a team disembarks to a desert-like planet in search of lime or a similar mineral to scrub the ship’s air of carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, with life on the ship looking bleak, Colonel Young reports in to General O’Neill and Chloe has one last chance to see her mother, courtesy of the communication stones. [more inside]
Movie: Soylent Green
It's people.
PEOPLE! [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Assignment Rewatch Season 5, Ep 5
A new enemy appears on DS9, with a familiar face, and O'Brien has to figure out not only what they want, but why. [more inside]
SGU Stargate Universe: Air (Part 2) Rewatch Season 1, Ep 2
In part 2 of the series premiere, approximately 80 scientists, military personnel and civilians find themselves stranded on a large, damaged Ancient space ship, several billion light years from Earth. The new, reluctant crew discover that they're locked out of the ship's systems, life support is failing and they will need to make repairs fast or run out of air in a matter of hours. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places Rewatch Season 5, Ep 3
Well, I spent stardates lookin' for you/
Quark's Bar and holodeck lovers were never true/
Playin' a petaQ's game, hopin' to win/
Tellin' those dishonorable lies and losin' again...
(it sounds better in the original tlhIngan) [more inside]
SGU Stargate Universe: Air (Part 1) Rewatch Season 1, Ep 1
College dropout Eli Walllace solves a mathematical equation in an online computer game, planted there by Stargate Command. For his achievement, Dr. Nicholas Rush and General Jack O'Neill recruit Wallace to the Icarus program, which is attempting to dial a nine-chevron address with the Stargate. When the hidden base is attacked, an evacuation begins. But with the planet's unstable core about to go critical and lacking any other means of escape, approximately 80 people are forced to step through the gate and head to an unknown destination -- on the other side of the universe. [more inside]
11.22.63: The Day in Question Season 1, Ep 8
The past pulls out every weapon it has to keep Jake from reaching Dealey Plaza in time to save Kennedy. [more inside]
Movie: Westworld
A robot malfunction creates havoc and terror for unsuspecting vacationers at a futuristic, adult-themed amusement park. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Apocalypse Rising Rewatch Season 5, Ep 1
Awesome metal band name or daring undercover raid into the heart of the Klingon Empire? You decide! [more inside]
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Watchdogs Season 3, Ep 14
Agent Mack and his brother step in when a radical group called the Watchdogs plans to eliminate the Inhumans; Simmons finds a powerful chemical compound.
11.22.63: Soldier Boy Season 1, Ep 7
The end is near, and Jake is not up to the task. Sadie scrambles to pick up the pieces, but no one knows the mission as well as Jake. Kennedy and the assassin are on a collision path - but has Jake changed things enough in the past to alter the course of events? The days are counting down as 11.22.63 draws near.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Body Parts Rewatch Season 4, Ep 25
Quark is a dead man. No, wait, he's not. Well, then again... [more inside]
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Parting Shot Season 3, Ep 13
Bobbi and Hunter become ensnared in an assassination plot after tracking Malick to Russia. As S.H.I.E.L.D. races to save the lives on the line, the team is changed forever.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: The Inside Man Season 3, Ep 12
Coulson and General Talbot are forced to team up and attend a worldwide symposium on Inhumans, where they suspect Malick has an inside man. As the S.H.I.E.L.D. team gets closer to the truth, an unexpected traitor is revealed.
11.22.63: Happy Birthday, Lee Harvey Oswald Season 1, Ep 6
It's October 1962, and the gathering storm of threats in Dallas continues to build. Jake must take drastic action to establish the full dimensions of the threat to Kennedy. And amidst it all, he's hit with an unexpected death and a bitter betrayal from one of those closest to him.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: To the Death Rewatch Season 4, Ep 23
Weyoun! DS9 adds to its already-impressive list of recurring characters with yet another Jeffrey Combs portrayal. And there are also a bunch of rebel Jem'Hadar trying to activate an ancient gateway, fate of the galaxy at stake, working with the enemy, etc. The important thing is, Weyoun. [more inside]
11.22.63: The Truth Season 1, Ep 5
Everything begins to fall apart as Jake struggles to live two lives: teacher and time traveler. When Sadie's life is threatened, Jake has to make a terrible choice, leaving Bill to his own devices. Lee Harvey Oswald takes steps that will lead him into a date with destiny.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Muse Rewatch Season 4, Ep 21
A mysterious woman helps Jake write a novel; Lwaxana Troi, pregnant with a son, asks Odo to help her escape her husband. [more inside]
Movie: Moon
In Duncan Jones (nee Zowie Bowie, son of David)'s debut feature, astronaut Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell in a celebrated showcase performance) has a quintessentially personal encounter toward the end of his three-year stint on the Moon, alongside his computer companion GERTY. Despite not storming the box office, Moon (trailer) drew comparisons to movies like Solaris, Alien, and 2001, found critical praise (though not universally), won several awards, and still maintains a healthy following seven years later. (Some links contain spoilers)
11.22.63: The Eyes of Texas Season 1, Ep 4
Jake and Bill's partnership starts to struggle as they discover more secrets surrounding the unpredictable Lee Harvey Oswald. The conspiracy involving Oswald deepens, while romance blooms for Jake and Sadie. But by becoming involved with an innocent bystander, has Jake placed his new love in danger?
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Hard Time Rewatch Season 4, Ep 19
O'Brien was forced to endure a virtual-reality simulation of twenty years in prison in a matter of hours, a sentence which he insists was solitary confinement--so why does he keep seeing a hallucination of an alien? [TW: suicide] [more inside]
11.22.63: Other Voices, Other Rooms Season 1, Ep 3
Jake finds an unlikely ally in his quest. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Accession Rewatch Season 4, Ep 17
Sisko gets to quit the job he never wanted, but the new guy wants to bring back old ideas, and Sisko isn't too happy about that. Plus, Kira contemplates a change of careers, and Worf is in no hurry to be an amateur obstetrician again. [more inside]
11.22.63: The Kill Floor Season 1, Ep 2
Thrown by the enormity of his goal, Jake decides the one thing he can do to make a real difference is save the family of his friend Harry Dunning. Harry's family was murdered in a small Kentucky town by Harry's father, Frank. But does Jake have what it takes to kill a man and what are the consequences of violence?
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Sons of Mogh Rewatch Season 4, Ep 15
Worf's brother Kurn arrives on the station, and asks Worf to kill him. Meanwhile, Klingon ships are detected outside Bajoran space. [more inside]
11.22.63: The Rabbit Hole Season 1, Ep 1
High school teacher Jake Epping discovers why the burgers served by his friend Al at his charming diner are so darned cheap and tasty.
Movie: Twelve Monkeys
In a future world devastated by disease, a convict is sent back in time to gather information about the man-made virus that wiped out most of the human population on the planet. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Crossfire Rewatch Season 4, Ep 13
What becomes of the broken-hearted... especially when they have to protect the new lover of their crush? [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Homefront Rewatch Season 4, Ep 10
"I was hoping that this would never happen. But it finally has. The Changelings have reached Earth." [more inside]
Movie: Galaxy Quest
The alumni cast of a space opera television series have to play their roles as the real thing when an alien race needs their help. [more inside]
The Expanse: Season 1: "Dulcinea" through "Leviathan Wakes" Books Included Season 1, Ep 0
A thread to discuss the entire first season of The Expanse, as well as the James S. A. Corey book it's based on: Leviathan Wakes.
The Expanse: Leviathan Wakes Season 1, Ep 10
Events on Eros come to a head in the season finale.
The Expanse: Critical Mass Season 1, Ep 9
Miller, Holden and his crew are trapped on Eros. Avasarala discovers the origin of the mystery ships.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Sword of Kahless Rewatch Season 4, Ep 9
Worf is contacted by a legendary hero to help him find a long-lost weapon that was the foundation of their Empire, and an enemy from Worf's past also joins the hunt... but the two Klingons and Dax discover who the real enemy is. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Starship Down Rewatch Season 4, Ep 7
In the grand tradition of "Balance of Terror" (TOS), a submarine movie IN SPAAAAAACE, and some of the crew learn some pretty important lessons about life... and each other. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Indiscretion Rewatch Season 4, Ep 5
Major Kira has an unexpected team-up with Gul Dukat, and finds out a deep, dark secret of his... which is absolutely no surprise to anyone who's had even the slightest acquaintance with his character. Also, Sisko gets cold feet. (No, not that kind of cold feet. Not yet, anyway.) [more inside]
The Expanse: Back to the Butcher Season 1, Ep 5
In a flashback, Fred Johnson visits Anderson Station. In the present, he offers to help the survivors from Canterbury and Donnager. The survivors ponder his offer. Havelock recuperates from a boo-boo. Miller searches for Julie Mao and flops his hair.
The Expanse: CQB Season 1, Ep 4
Holden and crew find themselves in the middle of a desperate battle. Miller’s partner goes missing.
The Expanse: Remember the Cant Season 1, Ep 3
Holden and crew are taken prisoner by the Martian Congressional Republic Navy. Miller deals with rioters. Avasarala plays politics.
The Expanse: The Big Empty Season 1, Ep 2
Holden and crew are trapped in a badly damaged shuttle. On Ceres, Miller uncovers clues about Julie Mao. On Earth, Chrisjen Avasarala questions a terrorist.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Adversary Rewatch Season 3, Ep 26
Benjamin Sisko gets another pip, everyone gets aboard the ship, the infiltrator gives them the slip, oh no--this could be their last trip! [more inside]
Movie: The Thing
A research station in the Antarctic is infiltrated by a shape-shifting alien... uh... thing that assumes the appearance of the people it kills. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Facets Rewatch Season 3, Ep 25
The DS9 cast "gets a chance to pretend to be someone else for a scene or two, which is goofy and fun until the sociopath shows up." [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Shakaar Rewatch Season 3, Ep 24
Kira gets an assignment from Kai Winn, of all people, to convince the former leader of her old resistance cell to stand down his resistance to relinquishing soil reclamators. Bajor is on the verge of civil war again... over farm equipment. And O'Brien's in the zone... [more inside]
MeFi Horror Club: The Thing
The next MeFi Horror Club post will go live on Friday, December the 25th. Christmas Day! In that spirit, we'll be watching John Carpenter's snowy 1982 classic, The Thing. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Family Business Rewatch Season 3, Ep 23
Quark and Rom's Moogie Introduces Feminism to Ferenginar. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Explorers Rewatch Season 3, Ep 22
A major milestone in DS9: the first appearance of Leeta! Also, Sisko grows the beard, Jake tries to set up his dad with a certain freighter captain, Bashir is sort of weird about his past (no big change there), and did those feet in ancient times...? [more inside]