782 posts tagged with ScienceFiction.
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Movie: Lifeforce
A race of space vampires arrive in London and infect the populace. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Die is Cast Rewatch Season 3, Ep 21
Garak reluctantly tortures Odo for information to prove his loyalty to his former mentor, Enabran Tain, as a joint Tal Shiar / Obsidian Order attack on the Founders in the Omarian Nebula is underway without Starfleet's involvement. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Improbable Cause Rewatch Season 3, Ep 20
Garak has a fire sale, and everything must go! And Odo is witness to yet another awkward reunion. [more inside]
MeFi Horror Club: Lifeforce
Next up on MeFi Horror Club: Lifeforce, 1985. Discussion to be posted next Friday 11 December. [more inside]
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Closure Season 3, Ep 9
S.H.I.E.L.D. and Ward collide when Malick attempts to open the portal. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Through the Looking Glass Rewatch Season 3, Ep 19
A second visit to the twisted, brutal Mirror Universe, this time with pirates, Sisko's dead wife and freedom fighters. [more inside]
Book: The Blind Assassin
If The Blind Assassin was a layer cake, the layers would be the impossibility of true love, the inexorable destructive force of time, and chocolate. The frosting is pulp and newspaper. It's a remarkable novel, if only for the way Margaret Atwood weaves together three wildly different genres into a whole. There's the gentle comedy of old age about an old woman living a rather solitary existence in a small Southern Ontario town. There are her reminiscences of her life and family, an old-fashioned bildungsroman or family saga. Then there's a story about a doomed romance and pulp science fiction. Each on their own a very good book, but together form a great one. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Distant Voices Rewatch Season 3, Ep 18
It's Bashir's birthday, and he's feeling especially old, but why is Garak acting so suspiciously? I mean, more so than usual. [more inside]
The Expanse: Dulcinea (Pilot) Season 1, Ep 1
The pilot for a new series on SyFy based on James SA Corey's series of books that begin with Leviathan Wakes. In the US, the show begins airing on 14 December but SyFy has put the pilot on youtube.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Visionary Rewatch Season 3, Ep 17
In which O’Brien meets O’Brien, and all hell breaks loose.... [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Prophet Motive Rewatch Season 3, Ep 16
Zek has seen the light, and it's not the gleam of latinum. Can Quark deal with the Nagus' new groove? And Bashir is oddly bashful about his chances of winning a major award. WARNING: Although this episode was approved for broadcast twenty years ago, it features scenes of oo-mox that younger or more sensitive viewers may find disturbing. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Destiny Rewatch Season 3, Ep 15
An ancient Bajoran prophecy of doom complicates the first joint Bajoran, Cardassian, and Federation science mission: an attempt to establish a permanent communications link through the wormhole. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Heart of Stone Rewatch Season 3, Ep 14
Odo has a crush on Kira, but Kira is just getting crushed. Can he save her from Star Trek's oldest and most implacable foe, the styrofoam boulder? Also, Nog has an intriguing proposition for Sisko, but there are some things even latinum can't buy... [more inside]
Book: Foundation and Empire: "The Mule"
In the imaginary science of 'Pataphysics there's the concept of the "clinamen", or "swerve". As method in the arts, it can be roughly paraphrased as: "To create art you must first create a system. Once you have the system, you must introduce an anomaly which brings the system into a state of chaos. Then you have art." To put it bluntly, until writing "The Mule", Asimov's Foundation series was a perfect system, described by the imaginary science of psychohistory. Things were moving predictably to a predicted end. But then there came a swerve, in the form of "The Mule", a warlord not predicted by Hari Seldon. And in the titular character, Asimov created one of the most interesting anti-heroes of early science fiction. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Life Support Rewatch Season 3, Ep 13
A fatally-injured Vedek Bareil struggles to stay alive long enough to complete the most important act of his career. Jake goes on a disastrous double date with Nog. [more inside]
Book: Foundation and Empire: "The General"
"The General" is the last of the classic Foundation stories. In it Asimov tackles the central dynamic head on, setting the "living will" of a single human being against the "dead hand" of psychohistory. It should be no surprise, and indeed is no surprise to modern readers, that the long arc of history doesn't bend around brilliant individuals. There are other characters than the titular general, but Bel Riose is the only one that matters. He knows exactly what he's up against, and backs himself to win. He's undoubtedly the purest example of a tragic hero in the series. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Past Tense, Part II Rewatch Season 3, Ep 12
Sisko takes a dead man's name; will he have to sacrifice his life in order for the Federation to exist? The people of Sanctuary make a desperate last stand while Kira and O'Brien search through history to rescue their crew. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Past Tense, Part I Rewatch Season 3, Ep 11
A transporter accident sends Sisko, Bashir, and Dax three centuries into Earth's dark past to 2024, where the United States has attempted to solve the problem of homelessness by erecting "Sanctuary Districts" -- makeshift ghettos for unemployed and / or mentally ill persons. They've arrived just days before a violent incident that will lead to a turning point in Earth's history. Now they must find a way to avoid disrupting the timeline and get back to the 24th century. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Fascination Rewatch Season 3, Ep 10
A Midsummer Night's Dream IN SPAAAAAAACE, featuring the Aunt Mame OF SPAA--look, I know I did this joke just last week, but it fits, OK? [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Defiant Rewatch Season 3, Ep 9
Commander Riker shows up on DS9, charms the crew and convinces Major Kira to take him on a tour of the station and the Defiant. After she unlocks the Defiant's systems, he stuns her and steals the ship. Sisko assists Gul Dukat on Cardassia Prime to prevent the ship from entering Cardassian territory. [more inside]
Book: Foundation: "The Traders"
The next jump forward in the Foundation storyline takes us well into the second century of the 1000 year plan (which, incidentally, was the original name of the the first book). A merchant from the Foundation on a trading mission to a distant planet runs afoul of local laws and customs. Another trader, Linmar Ponyets, is sent to save him. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Meridian Rewatch Season 3, Ep 8
Brigadoon IN SPAAAAAAACE! Will our crew be able to science the ---- out of this one? Plus, everything you never wanted to know about the holosuite but were too squicked out to ask, or, you thought the one with Barclay in TNG was TMI... [more inside]
Book: Foundation: "The Mayors"
Compared to the previous story, there's a lot more going on in "The Mayors". While "The Encyclopedists" is a bit bare bones, this story is painted on a much bigger canvas. Political intrigue, deluded mobs and huge warships flying through space all feature. All of this is familiar from space opera, both modern and contemporary to the Foundation series. But in this story, it isn't the most destructive weapon that wins the day, but the soft power of religious authority. [more inside]
Book: Foundation: "The Encyclopedists"
Science fiction fandom was introduced to the Foundation and psychohistory in a 1942 short story called "Foundation". When it was collected in a book, it was renamed "The Encyclopedists". It is the story of a library on a worthless planet on the far edge of a collapsing empire. And it's the story of a small city mayor who rises to the occasion presented to him by history, becoming one of the most beloved heroes of science fiction, Salvor Hardin. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Civil Defense Rewatch Season 3, Ep 7
While converting the station's old ore processing unit into a deuterium refinery, Chief O'Brien and Jake Sisko accidentally trip an old Cardassian security program, which was set to put the station on lockdown in the event of a Bajoran uprising during the Occupation. [more inside]
Book: Foundation
The Foundation Trilogy is the space epic's space epic. It follows the history of The Foundation for centuries, from its beginnings as a library on a rinky dink planet on the edge of the Milky Way, to burgeoning galactic empirehood. But before there's a Foundation, there's one guy with a plan, Hari Seldon. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Abandoned Rewatch Season 3, Ep 6
Quark finds a baby in a pile of junk, then things get weird. Who's your daddy? [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Second Skin Rewatch Season 3, Ep 5
Major Kira is kidnapped by the Cardassians and told she is actually an undercover field operative of their Obsidian Order named Iliana Ghemor whose appearance was altered and memory erased. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Equilibrium Rewatch Season 3, Ep 4
Jadzia can't get a song out of her head. And who was that masked man? [more inside]
Continuum: Final Hour Season 4, Ep 6
Series Finale. Kiera and Alec risk everything to stop the future soldiers and their devastating plan. Kellog, despite a loose alliance with Kiera, has plans of his own. All factions clash violently in order to determine which path the future will take. [more inside]
Continuum: The Desperate Hours Season 4, Ep 5
The penultimate episode of Continuum. Despite sharing her agenda with her partner, Kiera pushes Carlos’ patience to the limit as she pressures him for more time. Kellog faces unexpected peril. Carlos reveals all to Dillon. The future soldiers stage a daring raid to free their recently imprisoned leader.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The House of Quark Rewatch Season 3, Ep 3
When a Klingon warrior is accidentally killed in Quark's Bar, Quark becomes the unwilling steward of a Klingon Great House. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Search, Part II Rewatch Season 3, Ep 2
We can't all just get along. Also, Odo's first family reunion becomes rather awkward. [more inside]
Continuum: Zero Hour Season 4, Ep 4
Kellog starts to realize that everything is not as it seems. Alec prepares to meet his destiny.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Search, Part 1 Rewatch Season 3, Ep 1
Season 3 Premiere: Sisko takes an untested Starfleet warship into the Gamma Quadrant in an attempt to find the Founders of the Dominion. [more inside]
Minority Report: Mr. Nice Guy Season 1, Ep 2
Dash and Vega combine their efforts to track down a killer who is in a state of heartbreak. Dash also continues to try and get in touch with his siblings.
Continuum: Power Hour Season 4, Ep 3
Lucas challenges Alec and Julian to man up as authors of their own destinies, so Alec joins Carlos and the VPD in Betty's old position and Julian tries to destroy his Theseus legacy. Kellog meets with Carlos and threatens to pull funding for the entire police force. Kiera and Garza form an alliance and recon the new future soldiers' compound. Is Kiera's trust of Brad putting everyone in danger?
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Tribunal Rewatch Season 2, Ep 25
The Cardassians arrest Miles O'Brien for working with the Maquis. In the Cardassian judicial system, the accused's guilt is already established and the trial is only an Orwellian formality. [more inside]
Continuum: Rush Hour Season 4, Ep 2
Kellog leverages Alec by exploiting his weakness: Emily. Kiera attempts to negotiate with Kellog, unaware that Liber8 have other, darker plans. Meanwhile Alec, tired of feeling helpless, impulsively sets off to save Emily on his own.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Crossover Rewatch Season 2, Ep 23
Kira and Bashir accidentally cross to the Mirror Universe, where a Klingon-Cardassian alliance rules, Terrans are enslaved, and no one has discovered the wormhole to the Gamma quadrant. A century before, James T. Kirk had made a similar crossover, affecting human and galactic history. [more inside]
Continuum: Lost Hours Season 4, Ep 1
Newly arrived time travelers threaten to destroy Kiera and her alliance with Brad. But can her reignited desire to return to her own time and son be reconciled with the threat they now pose? Alec attempts to take revenge against Kellog. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Blood Oath Rewatch Season 2, Ep 19
John "Kor" Colicos, William "Koloth" Campbell and Michael "Kang" Ansara return to Star Trek playing their Original Series characters, in an episode inspired by the classic films The Magnificent Seven and Seven Samurai. [more inside]
Falling Skies: Reborn Season 5, Ep 10
The final standoff begins in the series finale. Here, the Masons, the 2nd Mass and their newfound allies face unforeseen obstacles in the core of an iconic American location, as they try to persevere with hopes of reclaiming Earth and humanity. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Playing God Rewatch Season 2, Ep 17
While hosting her first Trill initiate Dax discovers a tiny, expanding protouniverse that threatens to destroy DS9 and the Bajoran system. [more inside]
Movie: Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Dr. Moreau
Behind the scenes chronicle of how clash of vision, bad creative decisions, lack of interest and really bad weather plagued the disastrous production of the 1996 adaptation of The Island of Dr. Moreau.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Rivals Rewatch Season 2, Ep 11
Quark feels threatened when a con artist arrives on the station and opens up a competing bar. Meanwhile, Chief O'Brien is determined to beat Doctor Bashir at racquetball. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Second Sight Rewatch Season 2, Ep 9
While noted scientist Gideon Seyetik is preparing for an ambitious project to re-ignite a star, Sisko is intrigued by a woman who keeps disappearing. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Rules of Acquisition Rewatch Season 2, Ep 7
Quark represents Grand Nagus Zek in a plot to establish a Ferengi business presence in the Gamma Quadrant. Pel, a young Ferengi, teams up with Quark and they learn that to do business in the Gamma Quadrant they must contact the Keremma, a member race of the Dominion. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Cardassians Rewatch Season 2, Ep 5
Garak investigates the identity of a Cardassian boy abandoned on Bajor. [more inside]
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Seige Rewatch Season 2, Ep 3
As a Circle-led Bajoran military tries to occupy the station, a skeleton crew led by Sisko fight to reveal the political faction's big secret before they are forced to evacuate themselves. Meanwhile, Kira and Dax lead a mission to reveal the truth about The Circle on Bajor. [more inside]