3 posts tagged with criminal by Gin and Broadband.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

Podcast: Criminal: Episode 24: Pearl Bryan

In February of 1896, a little boy discovered a woman's headless body in a farmer's field in Fort Thomas, Kentucky. No one knew who she was, or what had happened. [more inside]
posted by Gin and Broadband on Aug 11, 2015 - 5 comments

Podcast: Criminal: Episode 21: Bloodlines

Julius Robinson had killed for revenge before, and so when his sister was brutally murdered in her sleep last year, he says he planned to "get" the killer. He felt like his family expected him to get revenge, because that's what he'd always done, both in and out of prison. But when he learned that the killer was actually his 17-year-old nephew, he struggled against his family's expectations and his own.<
posted by Gin and Broadband on Jun 8, 2015 - 3 comments

Podcast: Criminal: Episode 13: The Big Sleep

Raymond Chandler is often called the greatest American crime novelist, famous for murder mysteries like "The Big Sleep" and "Farewell, My Lovely." He's the subject of several biographies, and his correspondence and manuscripts are archived at Oxford. But something very, very important to Chandler had gotten lost. No one noticed until a pair of Chandler's biggest fans, newlyweds in their seventies, got on the case. [more inside]
posted by Gin and Broadband on Jan 3, 2015 - 9 comments

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