5 posts tagged with doublecross.
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Star Trek: Prodigy: A Moral Star, Part I Season 1, Ep 9
The Diviner employs a little-known codicil in the Tars Lamora constitution to invoke a double secret double-cross on the Protostar's crew. [more inside]
Rick and Morty: One Crew Over the Crewcoo's Morty Season 4, Ep 3
Twists and turns abound. [more inside]
Angel: Blood Money Rewatch Season 2, Ep 12
Ultimate Buffyverse Hey It'sThat Girl Julia Lee turns up for the first time as Anne Steele, now the head of a teen shelter that has attracted the attention of Wolfram & Hart. [more inside]
Samurai Champloo: Misguided Miscreants (Part 2) (Dark Night's Road 2) Rewatch Season 1, Ep 14
(Continued, with more backstory for Mugen, Kohza and Mukuro.) Thinking that Mugen is dead, Kohza finds Jin and Fuu and asks for Jin to kill Mukuro. The double-cross turns into a triple-cross, and in the end, Mugen survives. Kohza does, too, though she wishes she hadn't. [more inside]
Twin Peaks: The Condemned Woman Rewatch Season 2, Ep 16
Fresh off his victory at Appomattox, Ben finds a new cause: The Little Pine Weasel. Audrey catches the eye of handsome exec John Justice Wheeler, and Norma lays down the law with Hank. Meanwhile, Windom Earle sends sinister letters to three of Twin Peaks' top beauties, and the noose tightens on Josie. [more inside]