Samurai Champloo: Misguided Miscreants (Part 2) (Dark Night's Road 2) Rewatch
May 10, 2015 9:37 AM - Season 1, Episode 14 - Subscribe
(Continued, with more backstory for Mugen, Kohza and Mukuro.) Thinking that Mugen is dead, Kohza finds Jin and Fuu and asks for Jin to kill Mukuro. The double-cross turns into a triple-cross, and in the end, Mugen survives. Kohza does, too, though she wishes she hadn't.
Links for viewing: login-reqested and age-restricted, subbed in English on YouTube; age-restricted, subbed and dubbed in English on Hulu; fansubbed without restrictions on YouTube.
There are a couple anachronisms noted in this episode and the previous one (pre-Colt revolver, possibly a Collier design; and the very bright lights used on the shogunate ship) and a ton of episode-related details and from a fansubber, if you want to really understand all the details seen and heard, including lots of information and speculation on the imagery of Mugen's watery near-death scenes.
Links for viewing: login-reqested and age-restricted, subbed in English on YouTube; age-restricted, subbed and dubbed in English on Hulu; fansubbed without restrictions on YouTube.
There are a couple anachronisms noted in this episode and the previous one (pre-Colt revolver, possibly a Collier design; and the very bright lights used on the shogunate ship) and a ton of episode-related details and from a fansubber, if you want to really understand all the details seen and heard, including lots of information and speculation on the imagery of Mugen's watery near-death scenes.
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